Case Study with Nervous System Imbalances
Summary Of Lifestyle Assessment Form
My client, Rocky, is a 25 year old single omnivore female working as a server at Heart and Crown; Bar and Restaurant. She is 5”8 in height and weighs 160 lbs. Her Main health concerns are fatigue, bloating, skin blemishes, and dealing with her anxiety. Her biggest concern is her sudden weight gain that she is aware of and is committed to make the changes to lose her weight and be more healthy. She reports an average stress level (6/10), in her financial, spiritual, career, personal, family, health and unfulfilled expectations. Her stress manifests itself through excess sleep, and eating excess junk food. She admits that she goes out drinking, smokes marijuana or cigarettes/ e cigarette and does cocaine once in a while, to cope with the stress. She admits that the only time she really performs any routine exercise is walking her dogs and being sexually active, when in a relationship. Rocky spends approximately 10 hours driving, in front of a computer, reading, and watching television. She does offset this by working 4 -5 times a week for 10 hours. Her job is situated in a very high pace stress environment, where she is walking at a quick pace continuously. Although, She does smoke a minimum of 6 cigarettes daily leading a total of 5 hours of smoking a day. She experiences a boost of energy around 2 am, as this is the time she is closing at work. She sleeps 6 - 10 hours daily including naps, and goes to sleep around 5 am, and awakens around 12-2 pm. She admits that she does not wake up feeling rested as she tends to eat her biggest meal, in bed , before she sleeps.
Rocky takes Pristiq for her chronic anxiety. Pristiq is an antidepressant that is found in a group of drugs that perform selectively and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. They stand for (SNRIs). The chemical in Pristiq, Desvenlafaxine, affects chemicals in the brain that are unbalanced in people with depression. It is used to treat major depressive disorders such Bipolar disease, and obsessive compulsive disorders. Pristiq has many side effects which includes drowsiness, anxiety, constipation, impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, restless, hyperactive physically and mentally, depression, and possible thoughts about suicide and hurting yourself. Rocky uses a copper IUD as a form of Birth Control, in which releases excess copper into the body, displacing zinc, and decreasing levels of Histamine in the body. Low levels of Histamine have been shown to induce anxiety in some individuals. She has been on a few courses of antibiotics in the past 5 years for ear infections and yeast infections. Antibiotics are used to either kill or slow down the growth of bacteria. Treatment with antibiotics commonly leads to an overgrowth of yeast (Candida albicans) in the vagina, ears and the intestines.
Her family history includes her Father suffering alcoholism, drug abuse and heart disease, and Grandmother on her mom's side died of Pancreatic Cancer. Rocky herself, drinks alcohol many times throughout the week and abuses cocaine a few times per month. She claims to experience severe PMS symptoms including: breast pain, nausea, inability to breathe and sweating.
Rocky eats 2 meals a day and claims to graze excessively throughout the day. She does not consume breakfast, as she feels nauseous, thus consumes coffee instead. Her daily foods consist of beef, chicken, eggs, cheese, yogurt, sour cream, salads, soups, sandwiches, subway, pizza wings, poutine, fruits, smoothies, chips and granola bars. Jay Rock uses aluminum pans and microwaves often. She consumes candy, fast foods, fried foods, margarine and refined foods often. Consequently, she exhibits strong carbohydrates, sugar and salt cravings and strong symptoms of dehydration. She consumes meat and dairy products daily, and experiences severe depression when meals are missed. She admits that she experiences joy and satisfaction after meals are consumed.
Nutrisystem Profile Summary
Rocky’s NSP resulted in the following scores:
Nervous 39
Immune/Lymphatic 39
Circulatory/Cardiovascular 36
Reproductive 35
Urinary 33
Glandular/ Endocrine 32
Respiratory 32
Digestive 31
Structural 30
Intestinal 29
The NSP scores indicate that the systems most out of balance are the Nervous, Immune/ Lymphatic and Circulatory/Cardiovascular systems. Although, based on the client's main health concerns as well as the findings on the sub-questionnaires, they have revealed the following underlying problem areas:
Digestive System: Dysglycemia, Underactive Stomach, Liver
Intestinal system: Allergies, Parasites, Candida ( Dysbiosis)
Nervous System: Anxiety, Depression (Main Health Concerns)
Her high Cardiovascular/Circulatory score of 36 ( as well as the multiple symptoms identified for high blood pressure and heart palpitations are worth noting but is not one of Rocky’s main complaints. I will therefore keep this body system in mind, as this system can be addressed indirectly by attending to the three systems, and directly through the digestive system. Also, I will be indirectly attending to the immune system through attending to the intestinal system, since 65% of the immune system is found in the gut, thus reflecting her many underlying symptoms found in allergies.
Rocky’s main health concerns were managing her weight gain, fatigue, skin blemishes, and her chronic anxiety. These concerns were associated with the systems most out of balance; the digestive system, intestinal system and Nervous system.
Her digestive system had three areas out of balance; dysglycemia, liver, and underactive stomach. Her dysglycemia is related to her high consumption of simple carbohydrates, sugars, alcohol and caffeine, as well as drug stimulants, such as cigarettes, marijuana, and cocaine, which increases her blood sugar. Insulin facilitates the transport of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells, especially those of muscle and fatty tissue, and causes glucose to be synthesized in the liver. The pancreas is overloaded, thus her carbohydrate metabolism has essentially come to a halt. As the blood sugar drops, stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol kick in at high levels (causing weight gain) to prevent her blood sugar level from dropping dramatically, causing her fatigue, depression, irritability and anxiety. Her underactive stomach equates to poor protein digestion and absorption of vital nutrients. The inability to secrete enough stomach acid affects the ability for the pancreas to secrete proper digestive enzymes, leaving large food particles left undigested, to be absorbed by the small intestine. This was allowing the undigested food particles to leak through the intestinal villi, into the bloodstream, where they would wreak havoc on the liver. The overburdened liver was unable to undergo fat synthesis, thus cholesterol was unable to enter specific pathways and accumulated LDL, causing weight gain. When the liver detoxification process is slow, and overwhelmed with too many toxins, it slows down, thus toxins are sent back through the blood to be eliminated through different detoxification organs, such as the skin, thus causing her skin blemishes.
Her intestinal system has three areas out of balance; Candida (dysbiosis), Parasites, and Allergies. Due to Rocky’s inability to secrete enough stomach acid, the undigested protein was leading to putrefaction and gas release (bloating), allowing symbiotic bacteria to flourish into the intestinal tract, depleting healthy intestinal flora, thus her Candida (thrives in a yeast and sugary environment) and Parasites (thrive due to inflammation in the intestine). The accumulation of her low fibre diet, use of antibiotics, medication, insufficient good bacteria, and diet too high in processed foods, is causing her poor intestinal health, thus her constipation. The bad bacteria were eating away at the villa, allowing tiny protein fragments to prompt certain cells to produce the specific antigens against that food. The antigen then circulated and attached to the surfaces of the mast cells, found in the nose, throat, lungs, skin and gastrointestinal tract. Once that food was eaten once again, the protein reacted with the specific antigen on the mast cells triggering a release of histamine, causing allergies, throughout the body bringing about her fatigue. Undigested food particles are circulating in the blood crossing the blood brain barrier, increasing symptoms of cerebral allergies, such as depression, fatigue, anxiety, and irritability.
Her nervous system has two areas out of balance, her main health concerns, anxiety and depression. The nervous system controls all processes that take place in the digestive tract and it is autonomous. The nervous system controls the Sympathetic Nervous system, which is responsible for our “Fight or Flight” system. This is where the body finds itself excited, or itself in an emergency; causing symptoms of anxiety; rapid heart pounding, deep breathing, increased perspiration, and dilated pupils. This action stimulates the sweat glands of the skin to produce perspiration and thus increasing dirt and bacteria to reside in her skin, causing her skin blemishes. The sympathetic nervous system is working at full speed, pumping out hormones epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol through the blood into the liver and the digestive tract. Ultimately, since the body thinks it is in immediate danger, the digestive system comes to a halt, and its activity is decreased, thus sphincters are not constricting, slowing down elimination, causing her constipation. The hormones circulating in the blood, stresses the liver, releasing glucose into the blood, attaching to epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol receptors, releasing neurotransmitter; dopamine; a happy brain chemical. Once insulin is released and sugar levels drop in the blood, the cravings for processed sugars and stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, cocaine, tobacco and marijuana increase, fat synthesis is halted increasing weight, and dopamine levels drop, and depression, fatigue, and irritability comes to the surface. Thus, repeating the sugar and stimulant cycle, keeping her hormones circulating in the blood continuously.
I began on focusing on supporting Rocky’s blood sugar, liver, and underactive stomach. Her dysglycemia, and underactive stomach was supported through a change in her food choices and the frequency of her meals. Her liver was supported indirectly through better digestion, and as well through the consumption of liver supporting foods. These changes were made to increase energy, reduce skin blemishes, and stabilize blood sugar, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Her allergies and dysbiosis were supported indirectly by introducing foods high in probiotics and prebiotics and eliminating foods prone to yeast, mold, stimulants and simple sugars, thus increasing her energy and stabilizing mood. Additional benefits were the reduction in body weight, due to normalized cholesterol levels. Her nervous system was supported with foods high in essential fatty acids, amino acids, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, zinc, manganese and antioxidants, as well as through promoting lifestyle changes that encouraged healthy flow of oxygen nutrient rich blood to circulate through the blood to the liver, through the blood brain barrier, and other body organs. This will reduce her risk of depressive and anxiety disorders, such as manic depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and bipolar disease.
In summary, our top priorities were to improve secretion of stomach acid, stabilizing blood sugar, and supporting the liver. This helped to increase her energy, promote weight loss, reduce skin blemishes, and stabilize her mood, thus her anxiety.
Dietary Recommendations
I begin by reviewing Rocky’s daily diet and explaining the importance of eating Live, natural and good quality foods. I emphasize the importance of eating organic foods to help lessen the free radical load in her body and reduce her risk of PANCREATIC CANCER. I also encourage her to eat raw alkalizing foods, and antioxidant fiber rich foods like pomegranate, blueberries, and cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, Kale, broccoli and collard greens to support immunity and Liver function.
Rocky’s current diet is shaped by her environment. Her work as well as her shift schedule has impacted the way she views food, and hence, her two meal a day diet. Her two meal a day schedule does not support blood sugar stability. I explain the importance of macronutrient balancing at each meal and the importance of including complex carbohydrates such as oats, sweet potato, barley, and brown rice to maintain proper blood sugar. I recommend foods high in chromium, such as broccoli, barley, oats, green beans, tomatoes, romaine lettuce and black pepper. Chromium contains a key hormone that controls blood sugar, increasing the strength of the signal that insulin sends, helping to drive blood sugar into cells more quickly after a meal.
Instead, five or six smaller meals spread throughout the day will support mood stability, skin conditions and stimulate weight loss, by increasing metabolism and eliminating cravings for sweets. We discuss the GLycemic Index and Glycemic Load and review resources to help Rocky incorporate these tools into her menus as a means to regulate blood sugar.
We discuss the steps to good digestion such as; careful chewing, avoiding or limiting convenience foods and concentrated protein foods ( red meat and dairy foods), as well as drinking at least 8 glasses of pure water at room temperature between meals (not with meals). Furthermore, Rocky’s is supplied with food journals to record her daily food intake, portion sizes and any reactions that may develop (physical, emotional), in order to identify potential food allergens. She is also asked to be aware of and to record all wheat and gluten sources in her diet as these foods will be eliminated at our next session. Dairy products are consumed daily and may be a food Rocky is allergic too. Her food journal may provide insight. In the meantime, Rocky is instructed to avoid foods prone to mold and left overs. She is asked to avoid and reduce coffee, tea, caffeine, stimulants, and carbonated beverages. She is asked to avoid and reduce sugar, alcohol and artificial sweeteners
Her current breakfast consists of a cup of coffee with cream or an ice coffee, as she gets nauseous if she tries to consume any food in the morning. She tends to consume her lunch at work between five and nine pm, which tends to consist of salads, soups and sandwiches. Her last meal of the day tends to be consumed between 11 pm and 3 am, and it is also usually the largest, as she is very hungry after a work shift. These foods tend to consist of subway, pizza, wings, poutine, club sandwiches, beef, chicken and eggs. She admits that throughout her shift at work, she consistently snacks all day on cheese, yogurt, sour cream, fruit, veggies, chips, granola bars, and smoothies. Although Rocky already enjoys the benefits of drinking eight glasses of tap water daily, I encourage her to look into filtration systems, and I discuss the impact that chlorinated and fluoridated water has had on her system. I also discuss the high amount of fluoride found in bottled water. Fluoride displaces iodine in the body, which is needed for proper thyroid function. Fluoride is also an enzyme inhibitor, contributing to improper absorption and elimination, leading to her constipation. Also, fluoride impacts neurodevelopment, blocking proper neurotransmitters, serotonin, thus leading to depression and anxiety.
Rocky tends to consume three coffees throughout the day, and she binge drinks alcohol throughout the week. We discuss the detrimental effects that coffee has on the nervous system, and how consistent stimulation impacts hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, thus leading to weight gain, anxiety and fatigue. Coffee also leaches out many vitamins and minerals from the body, such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin Bs, zinc, iodine and selenium, and excretes them through the urine. I explain the impact that this has on her liver and how the diuretics contribute to malabsorption impacting skin disorders, fatigue, digestion and weight gain. I discuss the impact that these stimulants have on the nervous system, and the consistent fluctuations of hormones that relate to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression as well as other nervous system disorders, such as insomnia.
Rocky is advised to begin her morning with the juice of half a lemon squeezed into a glass of water twenty minutes before breakfast to help support digestion and promote detoxification of the liver. In between meals, in addition to pure water, Rocky can substitute an herbal tea for coffee. Dandelion Tea supports the liver in detoxification and ginger tea promotes good digestion. Rocky can enjoy Dandy Tea in the morning and mid afternoon to replace her coffee. This will support liver detoxification and inhibit withdrawals of caffeine. Add in raw cocoa, and increase magnesium and iron uptake, which will promote liver detoxification and increase uptake of oxygen into the cells, supporting her nervous system. Dandy tea is an herb blend that contains extracts of roasted barley, rye, chicory roots, dandelion root and sugar beet.
Also, I suggest that Rocky drinks aloe vera juice first thing in the morning. Aloe Vera juice is a high source of calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, and zinc; nutrients that promote digestion by strengthening the intestinal lining, thus assisting the body in elimination of toxic waste by product, and reducing the incidence of constipation.
A protein and essential fatty rich breakfast of organic free range eggs with garlic, onions, cabbage and avocado, or a smoothie made with apples, cucumber, lime, lemon, mint, raw flax seeds and raw hemp seeds. Protein and Fat eaten at breakfast leads to a sustained feeling of fullness and better blood sugar management throughout the day. This will assist in the avoidance of sugary foods, promoting detoxification of the liver and improving skin complexion disorders such as acne, as well as promoting energy and reducing chronic fatigue. Thus this will address two of Rocky's key concerns.
A mid morning snack of carrots, celery, cucumber with chickpea hummus, or papaya and figs with organic raw nuts and seeds, such as almonds, hazelnuts, brazil nuts and pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Carrots and cucumbers are very high in zinc, an essential mineral that is an imperative part of many physiological functions, including the structure in certain proteins and enzymes, and regulation of gene expression. It assists in supporting the immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis and cell division. Zinc will assist Rocky’s skin condition by assisting in the proper structure of proteins and cell membranes that improve wound healing and reduce inflammation. Zinc is necessary in transporting Vitamin A in the blood, and converting beta-carotene found in carrots. This mechanism is found to play a role in reducing acne. Papaya contains papain, a protein digesting enzyme, as as a number other active compounds that decrease bloating and assist in elimination, one of Rocky's main health concerns. Figs are a high source of magnesium, potassium, selenium and Vitamin B’s, nutrients that calm the nervous system and help in the reduction of anxiety and depression. Nuts and Seeds are high in fiber, promoting elimination as well as essential fatty acids promoting healthy blood sugar stability and assisting in the transport and breakdown of cholesterol. Thus, this will assist Rocky in increased energy throughout the day, as well as promoting cholesterol synthesis in the liver, promoting healthy elimination and weight loss.
Rocky typically has a large salad with protein at lunch containing processed, refined dressings, and processed proteins found at her restaurant. I applaud Rocky for the conscious effort to incorporate a healthy salad, although an addition of liver-friendly foods such as bitter greens; mustard, beets, radish, arugula, and cabbage will stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, thus promoting protein synthesis in the stomach and increasing absorption of vital nutrients as well as assisting in the elimination of toxins circulating in the body. This will reduce the occurrence of constipation, bloating, acne, promote weight loss, and stabilize blood sugar reducing fatigue. A high protein grain or legumes is suggested, such as quinoa, brown rice, or edamame beans and chickpeas to promote better blood sugar management and provide the nervous system with amino acids such as tryptophan and taurine to calm the system and reduce depression and anxiety. It is suggested that Rocky incorporate a fatty oil, such as Extra Virgin olive oil, with her greens to assist in the absorption of vital nutrients. Vitamin A, D, K and E found in the foods are fat soluble that need to bind to a fat to be absorbed into the body. She can mix the oil with lemon juice, kelp salt, himalayan salt, cayenne pepper, and fennel seeds and incorporate that dressing into her salads.
Rocky can prepare an extra large salad, and eat half as a mid afternoon snack. As a mid afternoon snack, Rocky can prepare quick and easy oven baked rutabaga fries made with coconut oil, rosemary and himalayan salt, accompanied with a “Mayo My Joints” as a dipping sauce. Rutabaga is a very strong antifungal, which will assist in the reduction and elimination of Candida overgrowth. Coconut oil is also a strong antifungal, as it contains caprylic acid which assists in the elimination of candida and parasites in the intestinal system.
Rocky’s dinners consist of a variety of fast food such as subway, pizza, wings, and poutine. Instead I suggest Organic Wild Atlantic Salmon, or Organic turkey rich in tyrosine and B-complex vitamins. Tyrosine is an amino acid that assists the body in proper metabolic function, reducing weight, as well as it is the amino acid required in a nervous pathway including adrenaline and noradrenaline; neurotransmitters responsible for motivation, energy and focus, reducing depression and fatigue. These proteins can complement a bed of bitter greens, such as jerusalem artichoke, sauerkraut, and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale and cauliflower. These will promote the secretion of stomach acid, promote detoxification of the liver, purify the blood, thus reducing potential allergens causing acne, and stabilizing blood sugar, increasing her energy. A side of sauerkraut, high source of omega 3, is ideal for reducing inflammation and supports the spread of friendly intestinal bacteria.
Rocky tends to like to have a beer after work, or go out drinking. I recommend she avoid or reduce the consumption of alcohol, though if she feels she needs something of similarities; Kombucha, is a great choice, it contains healthy bacteria, to promote digestion and alleviating constipation. It promotes detoxification of the liver, thus promoting mood stability, increased energy, increases metabolism, and alleviates skin conditions (even if applied Topically). It has .5% of alcohol due to the fermentation process, and gives out a nice tasting and smelling aroma that cuts alcohol cravings.
As a bedtime snack,I recommend the amino acid L-theanine, found in green tea, to improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety and depression. A smoothie made from Green Tea is recommended.
A menu plan based on the recommendations above was included in her materials to take home. Additionally, recipes were also added to her list to take home.
Supplementation Recommendations
Probiotics must be introduced immediately to address the imbalance of intestinal bacteria. To support the liver, andress potential amino acid deficiencies and depression, anxiety, and to help the immune system reduce allergies, a digestive aid with enzymes, HCL and bile are recommended.
Fish oil, in the form of EPA and DHA is recommended, to address potential deficiency, critical in the structure and function of brain cells, increasing permeability of the blood brain barrier, thus protecting the brain from neurotoxic compounds such as pesticides, metals and carcinogens. A good quality, whole food multivitamin must be introduced that provides a high dose of B-vitamins, Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, zinc and chromium to help Rocky’s body fight the adverse effects of stress, blood sugar imbalance, boost immunity and increased cognitive function. Additionally, powdered greens provide nutrients as well as digestion support and blood sugar stabilization. It can be added to any smoothie.
To support proper oxygen flow to the brain, and throughout the body, reduce anxiety, insomnia and depression, and to boost immunity, I recommend antioxidant plant flavonoids, grape seed extract or pine bark extract. I recommend Ginkgo Biloba Extract, to boost Mood and energy.
Marijuana does promote the neurotransmitter GABA, which is the brain’s peacemaker, helping turn off excess adrenaline produced by anxiety, thus calming her down. However, the GABA levels drop after one hour of consumption, thus making her irritable and disconnected. I recommend that Rock reduce her consumption of Marijuana when experiencing high levels of anxiety, as continuous use can cause the levels of GABA to maintain suppressed, causing irritability, depression, isolation, and anxiety. Thus I suggest a collagen protein, containing all amino acids necessary for brain health as well as a whole profile of balanced amino acids.
I recommend Ashwagandha, an herb that has been found to reduce damage of oxidative stress in the cells, thus boosting the immune system, reducing stress and anxiety, promoting sleep, regulating hormones, as well as boosting energy.
I recommend Aloe Vera; Rocky can supplement Aloe Vera Juice externally on the skin, to reduce inflammation on the skin, thus reducing skin blemishes, as well as taking it internally, reducing inflammation of the digestive and intestinal tract, supporting the liver in detoxification, reducing fatigue, skin blemishes, and boosting fat synthesis, promoting weight loss.
I recommend Scullcap, an herb that has a calming effect, especially for anxiety and emotional disturbances. It has a tonic influence which tones and soothes the entire nervous system. It brings on a natural sleep, aids in digestion and circulation, as well as it has natural diuretic properties, thus relieving constipation.
To support Rocky’s liver, I recommend milk thistle seed extract. This will stimulate protein synthesis and bile flow, and protect the liver from harmful toxins. This will improve overall digestion and nutrient absorption. I caution her to use other herbs in the presence of milk thistle, such as dandelion and black radish, which are liver and hormone supportive.
Lifestyle Recommendations
We discuss how proper lifestyle choices impact our quality of health and I emphasize the importance of maintaining flexibility, muscle and bone strength, and cardiovascular health. Rocky can begin her exercise regime by including weights on her daily walks with her dogs to promote heart health, and rev up the metabolism, promoting weight loss. I recommend that she perform strength training a couple of times per week for 30 to 45 minutes, to increase muscle and bone strength and burn excess fat. As well this will reduce cortisol, thus stress, and promote release of endorphins, promoting serotonin, stabilizing mood. I recommend that Rocky performs cardio in doing something that she enjoys, such as Rollerblading, dancing, and playing a sport with her Nutritionist. In the meantime, I suggest HIIT workout at least twice a week; including running, rowing, cycling, or stairmaster. Yoga classes offer stress and anxiety reduction benefits and flexibility, thus I recommend Rocky includes the activity in her weekly regime, 1-2 times a week.
I explained to Rocky the detrimental effects of cigarettes and e-cigarettes that have had on her cardiovascular and digestive system, and the increase of carbon dioxide production caused to circulate through the blood increasing her blood pressure, and lowering absorption of vital nutrients.
I recommend that Rocky speak to her doctor about her medications and review her options.
I recommend that Rocky avoids the use of Cocaine. Cocaine is a strong stimulant for the central nervous system. It causes excess amounts of dopamine and reduces serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and movement. The effects of the drug include hyper stimulation, decreased appetite, anxiety and reproductive damage.
One of the first writers of the optimum nutrition approach, Dr. Roger Williams, quoted: "No one who follows good nutrition practice will ever become alcoholic" Addiction, whether it be to alcohol, tranquilizers, cigarettes, coffee, or heroin, is less likely to occur in those who are well-nourished, for a number of reasons. First the use of stimulants, like caffeine, nicotine, or cocaine, is more attractive if you are constantly tired, i.e lows throughout the day, and depression. Secondly, the use of relaxants, such as alcohol and marijuana is more attractive if you suffer from anxiety. The more your brain chemistry is out of balance, the more out of balance it will become if you expose yourself to potentially addictive substances, i.e coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes. Of course, addiction is not only chemical. Psychological factors, as well as the drug abuse itself, are usually present in those who become addicted. Those psychological factors, i.e Anxiety Disorders, that predispose a person to addiction will need to be dealt with alongside proper nutrition and supplementation recommendations. However, whatever the cause, once a person is addicted, this has chemical and physiological effects, such as: depression, anxiety, irritability, all of which Rocky experiences. The careful attention to slow removal of such addictive substances is necessary to induce the least of withdrawal symptoms.
Psycho Spiritual Recommendations
The skin protects our individuality, when Rocky experiences fear, anxiety, or cannot let the past go, she tends to experience skin blemishes. Her liver is under active, the site of suppressed anger, which is associated with the solar plexus chakra, responsible for the metabolism of the pancreas.
Rocky’s feelings of anxiety are connected to her root chakra. The root chakra deals with the feelings of security, stability and the feeling that you are grounded no matter what situation you are in. When the root chakra is blocked, or underactive, Rocky feels very nervous, full of anxiety, and fearful. Also, when the root chakra is overactive, the individual can feel very materialistic, wanting more and being very resistant to changes around you. Thus to feel grounded, I suggest exercises that will help strengthen the connection to the earth. Rocky is recommended to first relax and stand straight with her feet apart as much as her shoulders with her knees slightly bent. She should lean forward with her palms out...staying in this position for a few minutes.
The book “Your body speaks your mind” by Dep Shapiro, will help guide her to let go and feel good. This book recommends following your calling and intuition, and helps readers realize the relationship between negative mind and illness. This book will show Rocky that she can manifest health by envisioning herself as already healthy and powerful.
Rocky is welcome to contact me if she has any questions or concerns in need of assistance. I have provided for a *Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen* list with her materials to take home. I recommend that Rocky meets with me 4 weeks prior to our first visit, to discuss her progress, and possibly implementing a Liver cleanse in the near future.