Physical Fitness

What is Physical Fitness?

Physical Fitness is the practice of Movement. It is being connected to your body and how it needs to move in the present moment.

It is a Dance between Body, Mind and Soul as you allow the connection to your higher self to show you what it needs to be strong, flexible, mobile, agile and durable.

However, before establishing our accurate flow in Movement, we must create patterns and habits in the Body that focus on balance, strength, power and stability.

If we focus on repetitive exercises and routine-based workouts that strengthen the Soul and the Body to move as one, we then allow complete freedom for our Spirit to choose when and how it desires to move at any given moment without restriction.

As a result, I strongly resonate with several movement practices that work on different Body, Mind, and Spiritual needs at a given moment.

FAQs - Personal Training

1. What is personal training, and how can it benefit me?

Healthy Bones, Muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints are what training with an expert personal trainer can do for you. A Personal Trainer helps you understand the basic mechanics of the Human Body, showing you how to take care of your Physical health through different types of exercises, workouts and movements. 

As a Personal Trainer, I will work with you one-on-one, guiding you through your workouts and designing plans suited to your needs, goals and health concerns. My focus is to teach you how to be aware of your body's strengths and weaknesses so that you can learn to celebrate your body and the movements it can do.

2. How do I know if personal training is proper for me?

Whether you are a competitive athlete, a consistent fitness addict, or a beginner, personal training benefits everyone! 

If you are an athlete, personal training can help improve your mobility, strengthen your joints, and teach you to focus on specific muscles relating to your sports choice. It can also assist you in preventing injuries and teaching you to nurture your muscles, bones and ligaments when in the off-season.

As a consistent fitness addict, personal training can help you improve any imbalances in your workout regime and reduce excess muscle fatigue. 

As a beginner, personal training will teach you about your perfect body shape and its strengths and weaknesses. It will also help improve your mental resilience and cardiovascular and respiratory health, keeping you younger and more energetic. 

3. What qualifications should I look for in a personal trainer?

A Personal Trainer should be certified by a well-known fitness organization. 

For example, I am certified by the Canadian Fitness Association, which requires you to renew your certification every year. 

Not only that, but I must take courses every year and renew my first aid and CPR to keep me qualified. Thus, you can trust that I am constantly learning and gaining more expertise to make me a more knowledgeable and experienced personal trainer.

4. How often should I work with a personal trainer?

My clients work with me at least twice weekly to see benefits and growth in their health and strength. 

However, depending on the results one seeks, most clients see a personal trainer three or four times a week for maximum benefits.

5. How long does a typical personal training session last?

My training session lasts 60 minutes. However, I do offer 30-minute sessions as part of the initial session (Only Virtual)

6. What should I bring to my personal training session?

You should always bring breathable athletic wear and proper running shoes to your fitness sessions to improve stability during your workouts. It is essential to stay hydrated, as the body loses almost 1 litre of water during an hour workout; thus, bring your large water bottle to our sessions to avoid becoming dehydrated.

7. How do I set realistic fitness goals with my trainer?

I encourage my clients to choose a weekly time and day that is consistent and in alignment with their schedule. That way, you can stay accountable and are less likely to opt out of your workout or skip a day. 

As a Personal Trainer, I always assess my clients during our first session to determine their fitness level. Then, I talk with them and inquire about their goals, needs, and current activity levels. 

As a result, I designed a program that I follow mostly to help them achieve their fitness goals.

8. Can personal training help with injury prevention and recovery?

Yes! Many athletes work with personal trainers to help with injury prevention and recovery. We understand muscular and skeletal anatomy and, as a result, know how to strengthen specific joints, muscles, and tendons surrounding the injured or weak area. 

In my experience, sports therapists and physiotherapists have referred many clients to me who need more focused strength training and areas of focus in their healing or prevention process. 

9. What exercises can I expect to do during a personal training session?

With me, you can expect all types of exercises. I am trained as a Personal trainer, Animal Flow Instructor, Yoga Instructor, and Strong Nation Instructor. I also have a Brown belt (the belt before Black) in Karate and have done boxing. I play sports such as basketball, tennis, soccer, swimming, running, and badminton. So you can trust that I have skills in all workouts and exercises. 

I have also experienced several injuries in my life, from 1st degree and second-degree muscle tears to pulls and, recently, a bone fracture. 

I have recovered from all of them because of my skills and knowledge as a Personal Trainer.

10. How much does personal training typically cost?

My training sessions range from 68 to 120 an hour, depending on your chosen program. The longer you decide to train with me, by contract base, the less your hourly cost will be. 

I do online training and in-person training at a partnered gym, and I do in-home training (I drive to your Home and Train you in your Workout Space)