Case Study with Cardiovascular System Imbalances


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I present to you my client Rainbow. He is a 26-year-old, 220 pounds, 5’95 foot Italian male and a single omnivore smoker. He is a Marketing Director and works as a customer service representative overnights at the Goodlife Gym. His main health concerns were managing his high blood pressure, abnormal heart rate and fatigue. Also, he wanted to lose at least 20 pounds in two months to improve his image. The stress that Rainbow experienced was a (3/10), though he experienced a 10 in his financial, career, health and unfulfilled expectations in his life. His stress manifested as cravings for sugar and starches, and he experienced headaches and dizziness soon after.

He admitted that after these attacks, he would worry about not meeting his own or other expectations, where his blood pressure would increase. Rainbow coped with his stress by filling his blood in nicotine through cigarettes or his E-vape for 2 hours daily. Rainbow enjoys powerlifting, though he performs once a week in the afternoons for 30 minutes. Rainbow spent 9 hours a day sitting in front of a computer, reading and driving. His sleep was not consistent, as he sleeps around 7 or 8 am and awakens about 1 or 2 pm when working overnights. Though the days that he does not work at Good life, he would sleep around 3 or 4 am and awake around noon. His irregular 6 to 8-hour sleep affected his ability to fall asleep. He does, wake up rested though he tends to snore at night.

Rainbow took Concerta for his ADHD, though he admits that he took the prescription to focus on the nights he wanted to get work and studying done. He acknowledged that it prevented him from being distracted by what was happening in his environment. Rainbow does experience congestion, fatigue, chronic coughing, headaches and irritability during the springtime. He is allergic to Pollen. He admitted that he had a loose bowel movement when consuming high starchy cheesy meals. Rainbow’s mother suffers from Hypertension, and his Father and Grandfather suffer from Type-Two-Diabetes.

Rainbow had a consistent diet with the presence of 3 meals and three snacks a day. Though on his overnights, he admitted that he would not eat at work as he would feel dizzy and nauseous. This is since not his usual eating times, compared to his regular days not working on overnights at Good life. These meals consisted of whatever is located at home, such as leftovers, pasta, meat, starches, chips, cold cuts and precooked Costco meals. Rainbow drank 3 cups of tap water a day and continuously put himself in Dysglycemia mode by drinking 3 cups of juices a day. Whenever Rainbow missed meals, he would experience fatigue, anger, and thus exhaustion after meals were consumed. He admitted that chocolate is his biggest weakness as he knows it should be avoided due to its addictive properties.

Nutrisystem Profile

Rainbow’s NSP resulted in the following scores:

Cardiovascular/Circulatory: 38

Respiratory: 34

Nervous: 31

Digestive: 29

Glandular/Endocrine: 29

Intestinal: 26

Immune/ Lymphatic: 26

Structural: 26

Urinary: 20

Reproductive: 18

The NSP scores that the systems most out of balance are the Respiratory, Nervous and Cardiovascular/Circulatory systems. The sub-questionnaires and symptoms based on his Main health Concerns show findings on the main NSP chart and reveal the following underlying problem areas:

Digestive System: Under-active stomach, Liver, Dysglycemia

Intestinal System: Candida, Allergies, Dysbiosis

Cardiovascular/ Circulatory system: Heart, Blood (MHC)



Rainbow’s main health concerns were managing his weight, slow and fast heart rate, High blood pressure and fatigue. These concerns were associated with the systems most out of balance; the digestive system, intestinal system and cardiovascular system.

His digestive system had three areas out of balance; dysglycemia, liver, and under-active stomach. His dysglycemia related to his high consumption of simple carbohydrates, sugars, alcohol and caffeine causing increases of blood sugar in the blood. Insulin facilitates the transport of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells; those of muscle and fatty tissue, and causes glucose to be synthesized in the liver. The pancreas is overloaded, thus his carbohydrate metabolism has essentially come to a halt. As the blood sugar drops, stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol kicks in at high levels to prevent his blood sugar level from dropping dramatically, causing his fatigue, and heart palpitations. His under-active stomach equates to poor protein digestion and absorption of vital nutrients. The inability to secrete enough stomach acid, affected the ability for the pancreas to secrete proper digestive enzymes. This left large food particles left undigested, to be absorbed by the small intestine. This was allowing the undigested food particles to leak through the intestinal villi, into the bloodstream, where they would wreak havoc on the liver. The overburdened liver was unable to undergo fat synthesis. Thus, cholesterol was unable to enter specific pathways and accumulated LDL, causing weight gain.

His cardiovascular system had two areas out of balance; his heart and blood. The healthy heart’s pumping actions rely on his systemic circulation to circulate oxygen and nutrient rich minerals calcium and potassium, inside his blood vessels to the heart. Rainbow’s addiction to smoking, caused carbon dioxide to circulate and constrict his blood vessels. It affected his under-active stomach, and his inability to absorb vital nutrients. This causes his heart’s ability to meet proper contraction and relaxation depended on calcium and potassium, thus causing a slowed heart rate. Rainbow’s liver was overburdened and unable to do proper cholesterol synthesis. This accumulated LDL plaque in the arteries. This was not allowing enough oxygen nutrient rich blood to circulate to the heart, due to his excessive use of stimulants such as coffee, drug abuse and high sodium intake. Rainbow was forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood, hence the increase of high blood pressure.

His intestinal system has two areas out of balance; dysbiosis and allergies. Due to Rainbows inability to secrete enough stomach acid, the undigested protein was leading to putrefaction and gas release. This allows symbiotic bacteria to flourish into the intestinal tract, depleting healthy intestinal flora. The bad bacteria were eating away at the villa, allowing protein fragments to prompt certain cells to produce the specific antigens against that food. The antigen then circulated and attached to the surfaces of the mast cell, found in the nose, throat, lungs, skin and gastrointestinal tract. Once that food was ingested once again, the protein reacted with the specific antigen on the mast cells triggering a release of histamine, causing allergies throughout the body, bringing about his fatigue.

I began on focusing on supporting Rainbow’s blood sugar, liver and under-active stomach. His dysglycemia and under-active stomach was supported through a change in his food choices and the frequency of his meals. His liver was supported indirectly through better digestion, and as well through the consumption of liver supporting foods. These changes were to increase energy and stabilize heart rhythm. His allergies and dysbiosis were supported indirectly. We introduced foods high in probiotics and prebiotics, and eliminated food prone to yeast, mold and simple sugars. Thus, increasing his energy. Added benefits, was the reduction in body weight and reduced blood pressure due to normalized cholesterol levels. His heart and blood were supported with foods high in potassium, calcium, and magnesium as well as through promoting lifestyle changes that encouraged healthy flow of oxygen nutrient rich blood from the heart and to other body organs. This reduced his risk of cardiovascular disease.

In summary, our top priorities were to improve secretion of stomach acid, stabilizing blood sugar, and supporting the liver. This helped to increase his energy, promote weight loss, stabilize heart rhythm, and lower blood pressure.



I began by reviewing Rainbow’s diet and explained the importance of eating live, natural and good quality foods. I emphasized the importance of eating organic foods to help lessen the free radical load in his body and reduce his risk of cardiovascular disease. I encouraged him to eat raw alkalizing fiber, antioxidant rich foods. This included; papaya, bell peppers, cranberries, tomatoes, carrots, squash, apples to manage blood sugar and blood pressure. Cruciferous bitter vegetables such as beet greens, Swiss chard, raw spinach, Jerusalem artichokes, broccoli and string beans to support the liver and to help secrete stomach acid.

Also, I encouraged him to incorporate foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi; to further production of healthy intestinal flora. Thus, reducing allergies and fatigue. I emphasized the importance of drinking at least 8 glasses of clean non chlorinated water a day, to promote detoxification of the liver, thus reducing weight, and fatigue. I encouraged the removal of all alcohol, coffee, white sugar, white flours, processed salts, sugars, artificial and natural sweeteners. I explained the studies pointing to the different effects on the body’s biochemical breakdown, when consuming organic whole, natural food to chemically processed science lab made food. This supported his journey to weight loss, balancing blood pressure and blood sugar and stabilizing his harmonious heart rhythm and live energy.

Rainbow’s typical breakfast consists of four eggs with Kraft peanut butter and jam with whole wheat toast and a cup of coffee. I praised Rainbow for his large amount of protein through his eggs in the morning, though I encouraged him to replace the peanut butter and jam toast with avocado, broccoli, artichokes and ginger to be scrambled with his organic free-range eggs. These fibers rich bitter foods stabilized his blood sugar through proper macro nutrient balancing and sustained feeling of fullness throughout the day, increasing his energy. Also, the bitter components allowed proper stomach acid secretion. This allows proper absorptions of nutrients through the blood to the heart, stabilizing his heat rate, decreasing blood pressure and decreasing production of bad bacterial overgrowth, reducing his allergies, thus his fatigue. I suggested he replace his coffee with dandelion root tea, to better support his liver in detoxification, thus promoting weight loss and lowering blood pressure.

His lunches tended to consist of leftovers from earlier night’s dinners, consisting of pasta, pizza, meat, cheese or pre cooked meals. I took into consideration that these were his favorite meals and that he would look the other way if he must give them up. I encouraged him to make whole grain pastas such as kamut, whole grain brown rice, spelt, and pizza on spelt dough, with an addition of a large green salad, consisting of rich liver supporting foods such as kale, bok choy, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, beets, and turnips to further encourage healthy blood sugar, maintaining energy, and supporting detoxification of the liver, reducing artery plaque and weight. I suggested he incorporate extra virgin olive oil, juice of a lemon and apple cider vinegar, to promote detoxification as well as reduce inflammation in the body due to systemic allergies. Taking into consideration that he enjoys his leftovers the next day, I suggested that he make a large enough dinner to be divided in half, and to be stored in an airtight glass container in the fridge for his lunch the next day.

Rainbow enjoys simple snacks consisting of juices, chips and cheese. Thus, I suggested a smoothie with apple, turnip greens, papaya, lime, banana, and raw presoaked almonds, cashews and pumpkin seeds. These foods are high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. This supports contraction and relaxation of the heart, encouraging harmonious heart rhythm. I suggested that he commit to consuming carrots, celery, cucumber, and bell peppers with chickpea hummus. This stabilizes his blood sugar, and provides vital nutrients for the liver as the heart and blood. This continuously increases his energy, lowering blood pressure, stabilizing heart rhythm, and promoting weight loss through support of the liver.



Probiotics were introduced right away to replace the friendly bacteria lacking due to excess simple sugar intake, limiting digestion of vital nutrients in the digestive system and causing bad bacteria overgrowth in the intestinal system. This helped stabilize Rainbow’s blood sugar, and heart rhythms thus purifying his blood and reducing allergies, lowering blood pressure and increasing his energy. I suggested a digestive combination of Betaine Hydrochloric acid, pepsin, pancreatin, lipase, novozyme, papain pancreatin, bromelain and bile salt to focus on his under-active stomach and help support his pancreas and liver. This would support his digestion of food particles, and absorption of vital nutrients through the blood to the heart and other body organs. This promoted healthy liver detoxification. This also promoted weight loss and healthy contractions of the heart.

I recommended a whole food multivitamin, to target any vitamins and mineral deficiencies occurring during past, or between change of diets. I suggested a B1 b- complex, to aid production of HCL, and to support carbohydrate and protein metabolism, helping the body tolerate foods that produce spikes in blood sugar. I recommended rich fatty oil, such as blackcurrant seed oil, flax seed oil, or primrose oil, to improve circulation of the blood, lowering blood pressure. If in need of quick relief, I suggested Mistletoe herb, in which it helps relieve symptoms of high blood pressure, such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, which Rainbow mentioned he experienced. As well as I recommended Garlic for start need to lower blood sugar, if spiked to high and promptly.

Life Style


Rainbow works at Goodlife Gym overnights, thus besides to his work and studying that he likes to do when its quiet, I Suggested he do his weight workouts then. He could incorporate different body groups every other day when he is working, for 30 minutes. Hence, this improved his strength and circulation through the blood to his heart and other body organs. As a bonus, the quick exercises improved oxygen to his brain, thus allowing him to study and work harder afterwards. On the days, he is not working; I suggested that he go for walks outside, gradually incorporating 5 minute running intervals for 30 minutes. This increased oxygen and vital nutrients through his blood to his heart, stabilizing heart rhythms and lowering blood pressure. 

Once a week for 30 minutes, I also recommended that he swim in non-chlorinated salt water pool at his gym. This would improve his flexibility, as well as help incorporate slow steady breathing, allowing him to meditate any suppressed anger by the liver in every stroke. This practice would lower cortisol, thus blood sugar spikes, increasing his energy.

I explained to Rainbow the detrimental effects of cigarettes and e-cigarettes that have had on his cardiovascular system. The increase of carbon dioxide production circulated through the blood increasing his blood pressure, and lowering absorption of vital nutrients. I recommended that he speak to his doctor about his medication for ADHD. He did admit it was strictly his choice to abuse the drug. Hence, I recommended Rainbow read “Optimum Nutrition for the Mind” by Patrick Holford, where the chapter on ADHD teaches you the outcomes of drugs and their dependency by the brain performed, during the absorption of chemicals in that specific drug.

Psycho Spiritual


The psycho spiritual connection to blood and the heart is linked directly to an imbalance of the heart chakra, associated with the cardiovascular system. It’s the center of compassion, love, group consciousness and spirituality. It’s all about love kindness and affection. When Rainbow’s heart is open, he is compassionate and works well at harmonious relationships. When his heart is under-active, and he has low heart rate and high blood pressure, he finds himself cold and distant. To support healthy heart rhythm, I suggested Rainbow work on being open to love, forgiveness, less judgment of self and others. I suggested being open and honest with his emotions by writing them out or screaming them out.

I encouraged Rainbow to learn to let go of any past feelings of love and practiced the art of acceptance in himself and others. This also relates to the liver, the site of suppressed anger. Hence, I suggested Rainbow practice expressing his anger outwards and letting himself be formed clear. The book “Your body speaks your mind by Dep Shapiro, would help teach him in following his calling and intuition, realizing the relationship between a negative mind and illness.


Case Study with Nervous System Imbalances