Case Study with Glandular/ Endocrine System Imbalances

Summary of Lifestyle Assessment Form

My client, Felicity Smoak, is a 31 year old single flexitarian female. She only eats meat (animal meat), once a week or less. She was working for the government in an admin position. She is currently not working, due to her symptoms thus being unable to leave her house.  Her main health concerns are managing her fatigue and inability to focus, lack of sleep, anxiety and ongoing breast pain and menstrual irregularities. Also, she claims that she experiences inconsistent bowels consisting of yellow diarrhea to black hard stools.  She experiences frequent urination and thirst as well as a complete loss of appetite, taste, and nausea and vomiting.  She has consistent dizziness daily and feels lightheaded, as well as experienced fainting.  She complains of consistent migraines, blurry vision and ongoing ringing in the ears and ear pain. She experiences tremors and twitches in the whole body, as well excruciating pain on her thighs, followed by unexplained bruises.  She added that she suffers from severe PMS, which manifests as painful abdominal pain, breast pain and Insomnia, as well as hot flashes.  She has noticed a change in her menstrual functions where she sees black clotting one week before her expected period. She would like to lose 5 to 10 pounds. She struggles with PTSD and anxiety.  She reports very *high* stress levels, which portrays itself through insomnia, loss of appetite, and fainting. Felicity Smoak sleep approximately 4-5 hours a night. Although she feels exhausted and tends to lay in bed or on the couch throughout the day after getting up for an hour or so. She admits that she experiences high stress in her financial and career life, since she is currently unable to work, as well as a decline in sexual interest. Her stress manifests itself through the inability to sleep, eat, as well as dizzy spells and feeling faint. She enjoys taking baths and meditating to cope. When she is working a contract, it consists of sitting at a desk for 8 hours. Currently she is at home, and spends 12 hours sitting in front of a computer, reading, watching television, and driving. When she has the energy she offsets this by doing zumba twice a week for 1 hour, and body flow yoga twice a week for 1 hour. 

Felicity Smoak has a history of frequent antibiotic use for ear infections, as well as Paxil for insomnia and anxiety, which she discontinued using in July 2015. Antibiotics are used to either kill or slow down the growth of bacteria. Treatment with antibiotics commonly leads to an overgrowth of yeast (Candida albicans) in the vagina, intestines, and the ears. Paxil causes headaches, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and ringing in the ears. She is currently taking Zopiclone for her insomnia, which increases the neurotransmitter GABA. Zopiclone causes confusion, anxiety, restlessness, drowsiness and mood and mental changes. She sometimes takes melatonin and valerian roots for her insomnia. Valerian can decrease the speed in which the liver breaks down other medications, thus making the body sensitive to other medications.  Felicity Smoak supplements her diet with 500 mg of vitamin C, and Vitamin B complex and half a serving of Materna multivitamin a day. 

Felicity Smoak is very sensitive to prescription medication, as she experiences heart palpitations at very low doses.  Her family history includes Alcoholism, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and her mother died from a Brain Tumor at 35 years of age. Felicity Smoak herself, has been diagnosed with PTSD and Insomnia, and has had an Ovarian Cyst Rupture in January 2015.  She admits to having silver mercury fillings. 

Felicity Smoak eats one main meal at lunch, and snacks throughout the day. She eats dairy, processed white flour, soups, eggs and protein shakes daily. Consequently she exhibits strong carbohydrate and sugar cravings which manifests as severe fatigue, dizziness and inability to focus.  She does however appear to consume fruits and vegetables. However, she often experiences strong cravings for salty foods and admits to eating fries and chips daily as a consequence. She avoids foods with strong smells since it makes her nauseous and decreases her appetite. After meals she exhibits dizziness and extreme fullness.  

Nutri Systems Profile Summary:

NSP resulted in the following scores:

Glandular/Endocrine 41

Intestinal 37

Reproductive 33

Nervous 33

Immune/Lymphatic 33

Respiratory 33

Structural 33

Circulatory 32

Digestive 31

Urinary 31 

The NSP scores indicate that the systems most out of balance are the Digestive, Intestinal and Glandular/Endocrine systems. The sub-questionnaires reflect the findings on the main NSP chart and reveal the following underlying problem areas: 

Digestive System: Liver, Dysglycemia, Underactive Stomach

Intestinal System : Allergies, Thymus, Candida, Parasites

Glandular/ Endocrine: Underactive Thyroid 


Her main health concerns are managing her fatigue and loss of concentration and focus, insomnia/anxiety, and ongoing breast pain and menstrual irregularities. These are associated with the systems most out of balance; the digestive system, the intestinal system and the Glandular/Endocrine system.

Her digestive system had three areas out of balance; dysglycemia, liver, and underactive stomach. Her dysglycemia is related to her high consumption of simple carbohydrates, sugars, alcohol and caffeine, as well stimulants, i.e cigarettes, which increases her blood sugar. Insulin facilitates the transport of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells, especially those of muscle and fatty tissue, and causes glucose to be synthesized in the liver. The pancreas is overloaded, thus her carbohydrate metabolism has essentially come to a halt. As the blood sugar drops, stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol kick in at high levels (fight or flight) to prevent her blood sugar level from dropping dramatically, causing her fatigue, depression, unfocused, insomnia and anxiety. The fight or flight response causes her digestive system to come to a halt, thus reducing her appetite and causing significant weight loss. Her underactive stomach equates to poor protein digestion and absorption of vital nutrients. The inability to secrete enough stomach acid affects the ability for the pancreas to secrete proper digestive enzymes, leaving large food particles left undigested, to be absorbed by the small intestine. This was allowing the undigested food particles to leak through the intestinal villi, into the bloodstream, where they would wreak havoc on the liver. The overburdened liver was unable to undergo fat synthesis contributing to a lack of cholesterol. The liver then was unable to produce enough bile, necessary for fat digestion, thus causing yellow stools. When the liver detoxification process is slow, and overwhelmed with too many toxins, it slows down, thus toxins are sent back through the blood, crossing the brain barrier, causing her cerebral allergies; insomnia, fatigue, unfocused and anxiety. Fats and proteins are  necessary for the production of hormones, thus her under active digestive system,  were causing her ovaries to slow down function and inability to secrete a proper balance of sex hormones; estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, causing her menstrual irregularities and PMS symtoms of breast pain, hot flashes, and menstrual cramps.

Her intestinal system has three areas out of balance; Candida (dysbiosis), Parasites, and Allergies. Due to Felicity Smoak’s, inability to secrete enough stomach acid, the undigested protein was leading to putrefaction and gas release, allowing symbiotic bacteria to flourish into the intestinal tract, depleting healthy intestinal flora, thus her Candida (thrives in a yeast and sugary environment), (ear infections, ringing, and inflammation),  and Parasites (thrive due to inflammation in the intestine). The accumulation of her low fiber diet, use of antibiotics, medication, insufficient good bacteria, and diet too high in processed foods, is causing her poor intestinal health, thus her loose yellow stools. The bad bacteria were eating away at the villa, allowing tiny protein fragments to prompt certain cells to produce the specific antigens against that food. The antigen then circulated and attached to the surfaces of the mast cells, found in the nose, throat, lungs, skin and gastrointestinal tract. Once that food was eaten once again, the protein reacted with the specific antigen on the mast cells triggering a release of histamine, causing allergies throughout the body bringing about her fatigue, insomnia, inability to focus/concentration and anxiety. Undigested food particles are circulating in the blood crossing the blood brain barrier, increasing symptoms of cerebral allergies, such as depression, fatigue, anxiety, and irritability. 

If you read the client's summary, it is clear that her severe high score of 56 for Candida is affecting all her other bodily systems, as she is experiencing many symptoms in each system considerably. It has put her body in complete shock, thus I chose to recommend options for her digestive system, to strengthen her system before intestinal detoxification. Candida grows through the intestinal wall causing a condition known as leaky gut syndrome. This is where undigested food particles enter the bloodstream. All molds and fungi caused by candida produce bio toxins which have their own negative side effects aside from leaky gut and the normal manifestations caused from candida. However, too cut to the chase the overall digestive and immune system is compromised causing the individual to become more susceptible to nutritional deficiencies and infections. 

Her glandular/endocrine system has one area out of balance; the underactive thyroid. Her thyroid gland is found posterior to the larynx, and is responsible for the secretion and regulation of thyroid hormones with the help of cofactors, iodine and selenium. These hormones affect almost every cell in the body by crossing cell membranes, thus influencing the rate of metabolism, body temperature, protein synthesis and cholesterol secretion. Unfortunately, due to her medication for controlling her insomnia and anxiety, typical meals, and lifestyle choices, her thyroid gland is deficient in iodine and selenium. Also, there is a huge concern for excess mercury in her body, due to her silver mercury fillings. Mercury displaces iodine in the thyroid glands, as well as inhibiting the effects of dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline, causing insomnia, fatigue, weakness, depression, cold hands, high blood pressure, adrenal stress and lower back pain, all of which Felicity says she experienced. Her low thyroid function is affecting her digestive system by impairing gallbladder function, slowing transit times, thus causing her liver detoxification pathways to become sluggish, causing her constipation. Therefore, the impaired cholesterol synthesis with the addition of accumulation of toxins is increasing the production LDL cholesterol, decreasing her HDL cholesterol, important in the production of steroid hormones, thus impairing regulation of thyroid hormones, and sex hormones, causing her menstrual irregularities and breast pain.  A poor digestive function is affecting the synthesis of zinc, tyrosine and selenium in the gut. Zinc is needed for stomach acid secretion, thus causing her possible underactive stomach, hence her acid reflux and bloating. Selenium is needed to neutralize the effect of mercury and. Her faulty digestive system is impairing the production of serotonin, as 95% is produced in the gut in the enterochromaffin cells, causing her to experience depression, thus her anxiety. Due to the decreased absorption of iodine as well as the accumulation of mercury, and the toxic buildup, due to slow transit times, the intestinal system is affected. Mercury is an enzyme disruptor, thus unable to digest foods, causing an increase in the production of yeast overgrowth. Iodine is beneficial in killing fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Much of a healthy thyroid activity depends on healthy gut bacteria. The bacteria flora is needed in the conversion of (t4) to (t3), thus balancing thyroid levels. It is important to note that 60 % of the immune system is in the digestive tract, and a faulty digestive system is the root cause of many autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism

I began on focusing on supporting Felicity’s blood sugar, liver, and underactive stomach. Her dysglycemia, and underactive stomach was supported through a change in her food choices and the frequency of her meals. Her liver was supported indirectly through better digestion, and as well through the consumption of liver supporting foods. These changes were made to increase energy, and concentration, menstrual irregularities, reduce inflammation, and stabilize blood sugar, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Her allergies and dysbiosis were supported indirectly by introducing foods high in probiotics and prebiotics and eliminating foods prone to yeast, mold, stimulants and simple sugars, thus increasing her energy and stabilizing mood. Additional benefits were the reduction of PMS, due to normalized cholesterol levels. Her glandular/endocrine system was supported with foods high in iodine, selenium, magnesium and amino acid; tyrosine. Her nervous system was supported indirectly through the digestive system with foods high in essential fatty acids, amino acids, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, zinc, manganese and antioxidants, as well as through promoting lifestyle changes that encouraged healthy flow of oxygen nutrient rich blood to circulate through the blood to the liver, through the blood brain barrier, and other body organs. This will reduce her risk of depressive and anxiety disorders, such as manic depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and bipolar disease. 

In summary, our top priorities were to improve secretion of stomach acid, stabilizing blood sugar, and supporting the liver. This helped to increase her energy, reduce inflammation, improve menstrual cycle, promote sleep/ concentration/focus, and stabilize her mood, thus her anxiety. 

Dietary Recommendations

I begin by reviewing Felicity's daily diet and explaining the importance of eating live, natural and good quality foods. I emphasize the importance of eating organic foods to help lessen the free radical load in her body and reduce her risk of Brain Cancer. I also encourage her to eat raw alkalizing foods, and antioxidant fiber rich foods alfalfa sprouts, red bell peppers, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, goji berries, beets, carrots, cherries, kiwi, onions, plums, citrus, tomatoes, red grapes, squash and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale to support immunity, and liver function. I recommend she consume bitter foods such as endive, arugula, mustard greens, dandelion, radicchio, and radish to promote secretion of stomach acid and promote digestion, and balance of blood sugar. 

I will be encouraging foods such as garlic, leafy greens, sauerkraut, onions, rutabaga, spirulina, and turnips, to address the imbalance of intestinal flora. An overgrowth of yeast and sugar creates Candida Albicans, due to insufficient amounts of “good bacteria” in the colon. This leads to Candidiasis, which weakens the function of the colon, affecting the elimination of food stuff, leading to her loose yellow stools and weakened immune system  and allergies. Thus these foods will promote absorption and elimination of the colon, boost immunity, reduce allergies and cravings for sweets and yeast. 

I will be recommending foods such as apples, apricots, grapes, sea vegetables, parsley, rose hips, watercress, raw nuts and seeds to support her underactive thyroid thus promoting a boost in metabolism, thus increasing her energy, and promoting hormonal balance. These foods are high in essential Fatty acids, selenium and iodine, responsible for the production of various hormones, including thyroid hormones, thus promoting thyroid health.

I will also be recommending foods high in amino acids; valine, isoleucine and tryptophan, as the levels tend to be low in individuals with anxiety. Tryptophan, with the help of zinc and B6, is converted into serotonin; a neurotransmitter that controls both mood and appetite. Thus to increase appetite, stabilize mood, and blood sugar,  foods such as Tuna, spinach, cabbage, bok choy, bell peppers, turnip greens, turkey, beef, chicken, and sweet potato will be introduced. 

Felicity's current diet is shaped by her fear of consuming anything of variety. As she worries that she will have an allergic reaction to them, she claims that it exacerbates her anxiety and she experiences fatigue and inflammation. Felicity eats only one meal a day at lunch, and snacks on fruit the rest of the day, thus a change of diet will promote proper blood sugar stability, thus increasing her energy, improve focus/concentration/sleep  by increasing metabolism and eliminating cravings for sweets. We discuss the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load and review resources to help Neighbor incorporate these tools into her menus as a means to regulate blood sugar.

We discuss the steps to good digestion such as: careful chewing, avoiding or limiting convenience foods and concentrated protein foods (red meat and dairy products), as well as drinking between meals (not with meals). Furthermore, Felicity is supplied with food journals to record her daily food intake, portion sizes and any reactions that may develop, physical or emotional, in order to identify potential food allergens. She is also asked to be aware of and to record all wheat and gluten sources in her diet as these foods will be eliminated at our next session. Dairy products are consumed daily and may be a food Felicity is allergic to. Her food journal may provide insight. In the meantime, Felicity is instructed to avoid foods prone to mold, yeast, alcohol, refined sugars, forms of caffeine, saturated and hydrogenated fats, fried, junk foods, and carbonated beverages. 

Her current breakfast consists of a protein shake. Her Lunch consists of soup with crackers. Her dinner consists of some type of a salad with two eggs.. Her snacks consist of fruit and veggie smoothies. Neighbor drinks 3 to 4 plastic bottles of water daily. I discuss the high amount of fluoride found in bottled water. Fluoride displaces iodine in the body, which is needed for proper thyroid function. Fluoride is also an enzyme inhibitor, contributing to improper absorption and elimination, leading to her yellow loose stools. Also fluoride impacts neurodevelopment, blocking proper neurotransmitters, serotonin, thus leading to possible depression, exacerbating her anxiety and insomnia.  I explain the importance of drinking a minimum of 8 cups of pure filtered water throughout the day at room temperature, in between meals, to avoid dehydration, becoming thirsty and improving absorption of nutrients. This will contribute to decreasing toxic levels in the liver, as well as keeping her electrolytes and her thyroid in balance. 

Felicity is advised to begin her morning with the juice of half a lemon squeezed into a glass of water, twenty minutes before breakfast to help support digestion and support detoxification of the liver. In between meals, in addition to pure water,  Felicity can substitute a cider drink, consisting of warm water, apple cider vinegar and raw honey. The apple cider vinegar will promote secretion of stomach acid and the natural antibiotic, antifungal, antiparasitic, raw honey will kill Candida, and bad bacteria, thus promoting healthy intestinal flora balance, as well as boost immunity and calm digestion. She can also substitute her morning coffee with dandelion tea once in a while, to support the liver in detoxification, thus promoting her elimination through the bowels. 

A protein rich breakfast of free range eggs  with tomatoes, garlic, onions, broccoli, topped with avocado and endives, or a smoothie alfalfa sprouts, blueberries, beets, carrots, pineapple, raw sesame seed butter and coconut oil, an oatmeal with organic gluten free oats, blackberries, grounded flax seeds, raw pumpkin seeds, and raw honey. Protein eaten at breakfast leads to a sustained feeling of fullness and better blood sugar management throughout the day. The smoothie contains antioxidant, fiber rich, and bitter rich foods, as well as foods high in omega 3 fatty acids, thus promoting better digestion through the production of stomach acid, reducing symptoms of bloating, and nausea, boosting immunity through the reduction of allergies, promoting metabolism from supporting the thyroid gland, and promoting overall better mental clarity, increasing energy, and promoting good mood. This will address the main health concerns listed above. 

A mid-morning snack of whole fresh low glycemic fruit such as apple, pear, plum or nectarine and some trail mix containing raw soaked cashews, brazil nuts, and dried prunes and apricots is suggested. This fiber rich snack will promote elimination through the bowel thus reducing loose bowels.. She is asked to consume the fruit first and wait 20 minutes before having the nuts and seeds. This food combination will ensure that the sugar has passed the stomach to the small intestine, thus reducing the possible fermentation process that would happen if it were consumed with a protein and fat, slowing down digestion

Felicity typically has her largest meal at lunch. Thus I suggest liver friendly food such as bitter greens (mustard, dandelion, arugula) and shredded cabbage. She could also add quinoa as a salad, promoting blood sugar stability, through the increase of protein. Quinoa is also a complete protein, thus containing important amino acids such as tryptophan, valine, and isoleucine, which will promote cognitive function, thus her mental health. As a dressing, it is suggested that she mix together extra virgin olive oil, himalayan, kelp salt, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar. This dressing contains essential fatty acids, DHA, GLA and prostaglandins that reduce inflammation, as well as alkaline nutrients that will promote stomach acid secretion reducing bloating and gas.  

As a mid afternoon snack, she can eat half of the large salad that she made for lunch, or a sea vegetable salad containing arame seaweed rich in iodine, thus boosting metabolism and stimulating hormone secretion through support of the thyroid, thus reduction in menstrual irregularities and breast pain.

Dinners lack variety and often consist of convenience foods. I suggest she introduce a variety of protein foods such as turkey, to increase mood enhancing amino acid serotonin, beans to increase fiber and protein, stabilizing blood sugar, quinoa and lamb to increase intake of zinc addressing potential deficiency, thus promoting immune function, as well digestive health. As a side she could accompany sauerkraut, a fermented cabbage containing a variety of good bacteria, which will promote balance of intestinal flora and overall balance of bacteria in the body. This will promote proper digestion of nutrients, thus reducing symptoms of fatigue,  and insomnia, boosting immunity, concentration/focus, and promoting thyroid health, thus reducing her menstrual irregularities and pain. 

As a bedtime snack, I suggest a smoothie containing papaya, flax seeds, avocado, cinnamon raspberries and cherries. THe cherries promote restful sleep, as they contain melatonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for relaxation. As well as the flax seeds provide rich omega 3 to reduce inflammation, as well as magnesium to relax the digestive tract promoting elimination, thus reducing her loose yellow bowels. Papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain, responsible for promoting good digestion. The cinnamon will stabilize blood sugar before she goes to sleep. 

Supplement Recommendations

Probiotics must be introduced immediately to address the imbalance of intestinal bacteria. To support the liver, address potential amino acid deficiency and anxiety, insomnia, focus/concentration and to help the immune system reduce allergies, as well as to promote secretion of stomach acid and promote digestion, a digestive aid with enzymes, HCL and bile are recommended. Felicite’s multivitamin will be replaced with a good quality whole-food multivitamin that provides high dose B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc and chromium to help her body fight the adverse effects of stress, promote fat synthesis through the liver,  and support blood sugar stability. Additionally, powdered greens provide nutrients as well  as immune support and blood sugar stabilization and can be added to any smoothie or shake. 

I recommend aloe vera juice, to be taken every morning, to support her intestinal system and digestive system. Aloe vera has many healing properties, and will lubricate and strengthen the walls of the stomach and the small intestine, thus promoting absorption of nutrients into the brain and the thyroid, as well as proper elimination reducing her loose bowels. This will overall improve cognitive function

I recommend a Thyroid Support Complex, containing the nutrients, iodine, zinc, selenium and tyrosine. These nutrients will promote healthy thyroid health, ,supporting the hormones that circulate around the body, responsible for stress, blood sugar, mood, and metabolism. 

I recommend Scullcap, an herb that has a calming effect, especially for anxiety and emotional disturbances. It has a tonic influence which tones and soothes the entire nervous system.  It brings on a natural sleep, aids in digestion and circulation, as well as it has natural diuretic properties, thus intestinal health.  

Lifestyle Recommendations

We discuss how proper lifestyle choices impact our quality of health and I emphasize the importance of maintaining flexibility, muscle and bone strength, and cardiovascular health. Felicity can begin her exercise regime by including weights on her daily walks with her dogs to promote heart health, and rev up the metabolism, promoting weight loss. I recommend that she perform strength training a couple of times per week for 30 to 45 minutes, to increase muscle and bone strength and burn excess fat. As well this will reduce cortisol, thus stress, and promote release of endorphins, promoting serotonin, stabilizing mood. I recommend that Felicity performs cardio in doing something that she enjoys, such as Rollerblading, dancing, playing a sport with her Nutritionist. In the meantime, I suggest HIIT workout at least once a week; including running, rowing, cycling, or stairmaster. Yoga classes offer stress and anxiety reduction benefits and flexibility, thus I recommend Felicity includes the activity in her weekly regime, 1-2 times a week. 

I explained to Felicity the detrimental effects of cigarettes that had on her cardiovascular and digestive system, and the increase of carbon dioxide production caused to circulate through the blood increasing her blood pressure, and lowering absorption of vital nutrients. 

I recommend that Felicity speak to her doctor about her medications and review her options.

Psychospiritual Recommendations

It is my belief that the manifestation of unresolved emotional trauma and negative mental toxicity play a large role in the overgrowth of bad bacteria. This fungi is otherwise known as candida albicans or thrush. Emotional and psychological trauma is considered anything which is perceived as traumatic to the spirit. Anything from natural disasters, accidents, physical pain, sickness, and anything else which brings psychological, physical, or emotional pain. Anyone who is familiar with candida knows to avoid sugar, yeast, and antibiotics because they contribute to the growth of bad bacteria and the suppression of good bacteria. Individuals who suffer from candida manifest physical ailments such as bloating, fatigue, mind fog, spaciness, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, thrush, muscle and joint aching, among other things. My belief from treating myself and others with candida is that all major imbalances and  chronic diseases stem from an over abundant amount of bad bacteria known as candida in the digestive tract. It is important to realize that the diseases and imbalances caused from candidiasis differentiate from person to person. Everything from depression to chronic fatigue syndrome to cancer can manifest in people who suffer from candida. The reason is because candida suffocates the immune system and deteriorates the digestive tract.

The reason why there is a correlation between candida and healing the spirit is because any situation which makes us question ourselves and look to ourselves begins with a situation which triggers our survival. The freeze response of our survival is a spiritual factor because when the freeze response is triggered an individual is unable to psychologically “integrate” the traumatic event because the situation was overwhelming, when this happens we feel frozen and stuck The stagnant energy stays within our energy body and etheric level of our aura until it is revisited, integrated, and released.

If the  negative psychological or/and  emotional energy isn’t released later experiences can re trigger the unresolved trauma. Unresolved trauma is seen as energy blockages and/or spiritual blocks. These blocks cause the body to become over reactionary, causing an overactive immune system. The physical and psychological manifestations of candida cause the individual to unconsciously form habits, conditions, and patterns of behavior that are sabotaging to their overall well being.

Unresolved emotional trauma affects not only the endocrine system but the limbic system which over time causes abnormal impulses affecting the central nervous system ,cells and organ tissue.

Detoxifying and releasing unresolved emotional trauma by healing the spirit is just as important as diet, lifestyle and other biochemical approaches. There are many holistic and spiritual programs and rituals to heal candida. I personally offer SRT, energy healing, psychic healing combined with nutritional and lifestyle recommendations. If you suspect you have candida it is best to begin a  daily healing regiment as soon as possible.


Felicity is welcome to contact me if she has any questions or concerns in need of assistance. I have provided for a *Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen* list with her materials to take home. I recommend that Felicity meets with me 4 weeks prior to our first visit, to discuss her progress, and possibly implementing a Liver cleanse in the near future.


Case Study with Nervous System Imbalances


Blog Post Title Four