Psychic Therapy for the Soul
Empowering Soul Readings for the Body, Mind, Spirit.

Psychic Therapy Services
Tarot Reading
A window to the soul, Tarot readings take you on a quest for answers to the root of your deepest desired questions and time of profound need to know.
30 Minutes: $100
60 Minutes: $200
Oracle Reading
Unlock the ancient wisdom of the Oracle with a personalized reading. Let the candlelight guide you as you delve into the mysteries of the universe.
30 Minutes: $100
60 Minutes: $200
Dream Analysis
I use tools such as Dream Psychology, Divination and Intuition to uncover the meanings of what your dreams are trying to tell you.
30 Minutes: $100
60 Minutes: $200
Tea Leaf Reading
Multiple spiritual cultures believe everything is alive and have a vibration, including stems and tea leaves.
30 Minutes: $100
60 Minutes: $200
Below are Two Ways to book a virtual appointment.
Choose One of the Following:
1. Call Me and Connect in $USD: Click on the purple button at the Bottom Right of your Screen, and you will be redirected to my Web App Booking Platform. If I am online, you can call me via chat, audio, or video or scroll down to Services and schedule a session for a different time. Please note that Prices on this Platform are in $USD to attend to clients worldwide
2. Book and Connect in $CAD: Click the Purple button Below. You will be prompted to use my booking platform to choose a type of service and schedule a day and time for your session.
Prices under this Booking Platform are in $CAD, as listed.
You will be prompted to pay before your session.
**Disclaimer: Refunds are not provided for Completed Online Sessions. Please note that Intuitive Psychic Services are not a replacement for legal or medical advice. You are a sovereign being responsible for your choices and actions. Tarot is used for entertainment purposes and in therapy sessions.

Psychic Readings
Tarot Divination
A window to the soul, Tarot readings take you on a quest for answers to the root of your deepest desired questions and time of profound need to know. This quest for the truth, to learn, see and meditate on, can alter the course of your life. However, whether you are asking about Love and Romance, Money and Career, Health and well-being, Home and Family, Rituals, Grief, Spirituality or Personal Growth, the choice to change your life is entirely up to you!
Tarot cards are known for their powers of divination and ability to connect and be the mirror to our souls. Using tarot and oracle cards and connection to nature and higher energies, I will interpret your inner desires, feelings, and truths to spark your intuition within the present matter.
As a Professional Tarot reader, I will use this Divination tool to focus on your growth and understanding. We will look into your soul's inner workings to help us better understand yourself and your motivations. This powerful spiritual reading will help you gain clarity, direction and a deeper understanding of your life and the world around you.
Oracle Reading
An oracle is an archetypal symbol found in people, plants, animals, and objects to install a message into our personal story, and oracle cards are an example of this that uses language, pictures, colors, and metaphors projected from the divine matrix to guide us along our path. They are used to connect with your higher self and directly communicate with the divine.
The type of person that would benefit from oracle cards is seeking the truth of their soul and desire to pursue their life with courage, grace, and wisdom that enriches their spiritual growth. Oracle cards offer guidance that pierces the ego by expanding awareness. Therefore, oracle cards can provide that spiritual support if you seek a positive, uplifting message that brings faith, hope, and inspiration.
Dream Analysis
Intuitive dream analysis is one of the most popular and sought-after services; finding dreams' symbolic meaning can unlock unconscious messages about the right course for success. Your dreams also telegraph essential information about upcoming events, romance, life passages, happiness, purpose, and true nature.
I use tools such as Dream Psychology, Divination and Intuition to uncover the meanings of what your dreams are trying to tell you.
Talk to me about your dream, and let’s uncover some subconscious secrets !
Tea Leaf Reading
Multiple spiritual cultures believe everything is alive and has a vibration, including stems and tea leaves. Psychics, such as myself, use tasseography as a divination tool that abides by the law of attraction. According to the California Institute of Integral Studies, tea leaf reading shows how the "unconscious communicates through symbolism."
Like tarot cards, tea leaves offer a window to the soul and interpret our fortune during psychic readings. Grab yourself some Tea and Connect with me for a Tea Leaf Reading as we read your Fortune in a Cup!
Palm Reading
Palmistry has been used throughout history in Indian cultures to predict the future. The life, head, heart, and fate lines on your palm can determine your personality, daily routine, and health and predict when significant events will occur.
I will read the lines on your palms and fingers to understand your life composition and path. I will also interpret the shape of your hand, the outlines and mounts based on the zodiac and planetary symbols associated with the specific area on your Palm. I can solve your Palm using my intuition by reading these symbols and lines.
Astro Tarot Reading
Astrological symbols and tarot archetypes have long been used together to understand the psychospiritual aspects of our personal and collective consciousness.
I will interpret your Astrology Chart while referencing the imagery of the Tarot Cards to further understand your past, present, and future thoughts, actions, feelings, and environment. This unique combination will give you a clearer overview of who you are, your life path and purpose, and help you understand your relationships, finances, career, family, hopes, dreams, and desires.