The Sacral Chakra
“It’s a Feeling” down deep in my Core, I cannot resist. The energy enters me, and I am surrendered to the pull and push of its electricity through my body and soul. My senses are aroused, and a need for pleasure persists. I dance, flow, and move how I feel sensually and passionately, like a river streaming through my veins. No time to think; just let go and be in the Sacral of all instinctual things.”
The Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is Orange. It is the second Chakra, located at the Pelvis and genital region.
It governs the water element and focuses on feeding our sensory pleasures, need for entertainment, enjoyment of family and friends, and expression of creativity.
Its sense of faculty is "taste" and affirmation "I feel."
In Spiritual Anatomy, the sacral Chakra governs the testicles and Ovaries, the Pelvis, the large intestines, the bladder, the appendix, the lower vertebrae, and the Hip area.
If the Sacral Chakra becomes blocked or out of balance, you may fear engaging with people and give up your desires and inclination to please others. You could seek validation or admiration, a lack of purpose and can create jealous energy.
Physical Issues that can occur are Pelvic or Lower back pain, sexual potency, urinary problems, reproductive issues, sciatica and hip pain.
However, when this Chakra is balanced, you enjoy life, are guided towards appropriate emotions, maintain positive relationships and be your true self.
Are you feeling depleted and disconnected from your emotions? Are you struggling to let go of the mind and allow your senses to tell you what you need? Perhaps your Sacral Chakra is out of balance, and it needs Energy healing! An online Reiki Healing can help open up the chakra and put you in touch with your feelings once again!