AI Generated Image By Holistic Nutritionist, Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz created with Canva. A women shopping for Tomatoes.

As the economy continues to change and shock and surprise us all, food becomes a necessity and a vital priority for maintaining our health and keeping up our energy, vitality, focus, and concentration in our present lives.

Knowing your food and what type of produce to purchase so that you can consume only the best quality food in your diet is an excellent way to avoid agricultural chemicals or other toxic compounds. 

Consuming whole foods from Nature - fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds- is a great way to avoid processed food mixed with chemicals.

For those of us who live in Canada, our CFIA system has stringent food safety protocols regarding whether or not we grow our food organically! 😎

However, It is still essential to be mindful of when, why, and what to buy organically, as some foods are still treated heavily with agricultural chemicals unless organically grown.

For those of you who live in the United States, the FDA has found that as much as 70% of the produce grown has some pesticide residues. Now, these numbers might fluctuate. However, they are definitely on the rise and not on the decline. 

Below is a list of 5 essential foods that should be bought organically grown, especially if you live in the United States. Canadians should be mindful of what and how is locally grown and what is imported organically from the United States when purchasing their produce.

  1. Bananas 

Buy organic bananas whenever possible. They are shipped from southern and tropical countries and exposed to some chemicals at all growth and production phases. They could even be exposed to more chemicals than usual. 

2. Strawberries

According to several environmental studies and working groups, strawberries are the most heavily contaminated produce in the United States. Strawberries in California are treated with more than 300 pounds of pesticides per acre and up to 500 pounds per acre in some areas. Researchers have found that Strawberries have the highest hormone-affecting pesticides, including vinclozolin, endosulfan, and benomyl. 

3. Leafy Greens (lettuces, spinach, chard and kale)

These are the most important organic products, as pesticides are sprayed on the leafy parts of our food. In an FDA study, spinach was the leafy green most frequently found to contain potent pesticides, such as organophosphates (neurotoxins) and permethrin (mildly carcinogenic). When buying leafy greens, wash them in clean water and Apple Cider Vinegar to destroy as many toxins as possible before consuming these rich vitamin and mineral foods! 😅

4. Tomatoes

Oh, my dear, fruits disguised as vegetables, I love you, but you have some serious problems. 🤣

One study found that 30 different pesticides are used to spray tomatoes. Now, locally bought Tomatoes in Canada are less harsh, especially as most of them are Green House hydroponically grown, where nutrient-rich water is used to produce them naturally.

However, it is still worth buying organically grown tomatoes, especially in the United States, as the skins of tomatoes are thin and absorbent, taking in pesticide residue more efficiently.

5. Apples

An essential staple in one's diet, as an Apple Day really has been shown to keep the doctor away 😊

However, they have been shown to be nearly as contaminated as strawberries. Although, We have seen a shift away from spraying in some areas. 

When buying waxed or non-organic apples, be sure to peel them and discard the skin before you eat them. 

Do you need an update on your Nutrition and Lifestyle Habits? Book a nutrition consultation with me today to discuss your health concerns, needs, and goals! 

AI Generated Image created with Canva by Reiki Healer, Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz. The Solar Plexus Chakra.

I Can Choose what is Best for me

Having the Confidence and Self-Esteem to follow our Instincts and listen to our Gut Feeling can give us the willpower to choose what is best for us and our Solar Plexus Chakra.

When we listen to our bodies and know what we need to be our unique, authentic selves, we can be leaders and in control of our life direction.

Courage and Strength come from the Enteric Nervous System (ENS), the second brain in our Stomach. Bring your stomach Peace of mind by providing natural fuel and healthy choices that lessen emotional distress and increase the instincts of our spirit to stay motivated and ambitious on our life path.

That is truly empowering!


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