How to Dance with your Inner Devil
The Devil archetype desires to satisfy love, fame, fortune, sex, material, money, pleasure, hunger and thirst. To what extent will it go to quench its needs. Does he know when to create limits?
Me in Devil costume holding Devil Card Archetype from the Tarot
Being aware of your Inner Devil
The Devil is known to keep us captive, imprisoned by its need for more. The devil knows no bounds except those he keeps chained to his overindulgent temptations and need for instant gratification. He will stop at nothing to satisfy himself and can easily manipulate people to blame external influences for their wrong actions rather than looking within themselves.
Taming the Devil
If the inner devil is not tamed, it can manifest as darker aspects of ourselves. Extreme destruction, anger, and fear can be projected physically or psychologically. This unconscious behaviour that comes through the psyche can create an obsession, addiction, and a need for possession when not tempered with love, compassion and forgiveness.
We must learn to tame the devil. The devil can play with us within personal limits only you know of within. Recognize your limitations. How far will you go? What are the consequences of submitting to your temptations? Becoming acquainted with your inner devil is healthy, but not so far as it consumes you and hurts your health, well-being, and potentially those around you. Be honest and love yourself; only then can you learn to find balance and moderation.
Toxic Relationships
The Devil operates with no restraints or limits. It has no moral code or sense of value. It enjoys feeding our fears and will stop at nothing to create a shocking display of tyranny. At times, it provides on our relationships, making enslavement to one another and emotional codependency. It can manifest as an abusive environment, which is toxic to our mental and physical health.
In this case, we must learn to connect with our inner values and personal self-worth. How much of this are we willing to take? Is this truly healthy for me? Recognize that you deserve to be happy; you are enough! You have been given free will and the option to choose to walk away from the fear to which the devil binds you.
Self Empowerment
However, when the unconscious behaviours of our darker selves become conscious, we can take our power back and find within it an opportunity.
The Devil connects to the darker aspects of personality. When we learn to dance with our inner devil and understand our shadows and desires, we can learn to take responsibility. We can empower ourselves to connect with our passions, repressed distortions, and instincts.
Using your Devil Archetype
Those who learn to dance with their inner devil have a uniquely authentic, colourful artistic display of expression. They live through their life free and imaginative, yet conscious of their needs, wants and behaviours. This can manifest as a beautiful work of art. It can provide the drive and motivation to live a vibrant life that is constructive, balanced, and disciplined. It can provide an energy of excitement, creativity, strength, and bravery to set boundaries when necessary and be bold and courageous of our instincts.
To love the Inner Devil.
People who face their shadows, fears, addictions and anxieties learn to love their inner devil. They understand its fear of survival, dying, and failing. The devil wants to be recognized, understood, seen, and alive.
When we chain ourselves to fear that we cannot succeed or be victorious without falling victim to the bounds of obsession and addiction, we teach our inner child that we are not enough and do not deserve to be loved.
Only when we connect to hope, faith and love can we exorcise our demons and learn to dance with the devil’s desire to be loved and appreciated. We can teach the Devil to be on our team and use its wishes.
Full Moon in Capricorn
The zodiac sign Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and represented by the Devil Archetype in Tarot Divination. The full moon symbolizes endings and completions. I invite you to become aware of how you use your inner devil. Are there addictions that you need to release? Have you come to terms with what brings you to fear? Perhaps you have become obsessed with money, fame or sex.
Below is a Tarot Spread I have created to help you empower yourself during this Full moon to tame and learn to dance with the Devil.
How does the Devil manifest in my life?
How does my Inner Devil cause me harm?
How can my Inner Devil empower me?
What darker aspects of myself do I need to release?
How can I learn to Love the dark parts of my psyche?
What actions do I need to take to Heal and Temper the darker aspects of myself?
If you need help uncovering your inner devil and learning to empower and dance with it. Feel free to contact me for a Tarot Reading :) Enjoy the Spread above, and comment below if you gave yourself a Tarot Reading:). Bless