5 Things Badass beings Don’t Do

If you are a badass being, you are full of life, possibilities and love. You find wonder in the world and are open to new ideas. You do not limit yourself to what is possible; open your mind to all that is. Just as Alice in Wonderland follows the rabbit down the hole, you too are that badass being that tracks your heart into colourful dimensions in the universe. May you find your path to your best self by following your whim and avoiding doing these five things so that you can be the badass being you are.

Ludvig Holberg admiring my Badass Being in Norway

1. They don’t take any sh**t from nobody

Now listen up; I do not mean you have to start a war or create chaos with anyone who criticizes or looks at you wrong. But I suggest you set boundaries and know what you can tolerate and what you cannot. Not taking any sh**t from anybody means that you understand what you want in life, see what you are going after, and won’t let life tell you who you are and who you are becoming. That is up to you! Of course, being open-minded to an opinion is no problem. But if it becomes downright abusive, you know you’ve got a walk from that.

2. They do not look down on anyone.

This point reminds me of staying humble regardless of the successes you reach. Never judge anyone by their looks, financial status, power, or education. People will surprise you! A homeless person can have just as much wisdom as a millionaire who owns ten enterprises. It is about perspective and what you choose to see in the experience. We are all guided by angels and personal spirit guides that lead us to enlightenment. Thus, no matter the situation, you are a badass being when you practice compassion and kindness no matter what it seems on the outside. We are all equal.

3. They do not give up on their dreams

Whatever your circumstances are, never stop believing in your dreams. Your dreams, those fantasies you have, are what you imagine at work or school. When you are doing your routine or taking care of your karma, obstacles and responsibilities, these dreams are a gift from God! They are the fuel that drives your engine to want to live life. Following your dreams will surprise you, as no matter how hard it seems, working hard and having faith in them will only bring you further along than the person who is not trying. Trust yourself and the dreams you’ve been given. They are there for a reason.

4. They don’t conspire ill against one another.

Keep your Jealousy in check. At times, it is hard to watch someone get ahead. I am naturally a competitive person, so I understand pretty well. It is easy to become jealous or wish that you could be better than another and wonder why they could do something so quickly that you could not. Never wish ill upon them. Their blessings belong to them; you should not decide whether they deserve them. Showing gratitude for your blessings and supporting others who have received the success and victory you aim for will only bring you further in life. Karma is accurate, and the universe is watching even when you think no one is in sight.

5. They do not get stuck, lazy or unmotivated.

Hey, now I get it! Sometimes, I cannot get out of bed, and it’s hard to cook that day or answer calls with my clients. I struggle to go to the gym, or I limit myself and get lost in YouTube videos that lead me nowhere. What is important is that when you get stuck, you rest…and then get those gears moving again. No matter how small, being lazy for a couple of days is OK; we all need to recuperate, but don’t let it become a habit that consumes your life, makes you procrastinate, and wastes so much time. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I still am sometimes, but you’ve got to get up and keep moving !!

Now that you are a Badass being!!

Feel free to connect with a like-minded badass soul. Maybe there is something we can conspire on.


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