My life changed when I entered the world of Spirituality...

What if I told you that I was never a believer? I was what we consider an "atheist," one who has no faith in a higher power, religion, God, or anything more significant than us, nature, animals, or all that makes us alive! I still do not recognize the person I once was, as spirituality changed me, and I think, well, I know, it changed my whole life!

What once felt like the end of my life, a devastating breakdown, where I lost hope in myself, my career, my future, my stability, security and most of all, Love... I would have never guessed that something majestic would come down, slap me from the hole I created, and lift me to give me another chance in life—a new beginning. But unfortunately, I was forced to kill myself that day. Now I don't mean physically kill myself in a sense where I reincarnated from within and gave death to the old that was no longer giving me life, drive, or passion. The old one no longer fueled my soul with a desire to breathe another day. I was shattered. I lost emotions, feelings, and hope; a sense of numbness overcame me. I forgot who I was and who I wanted to be. When I let my anger out, it was the only time that showed I was still in my meat suit somewhere, that my soul still had some light ready to break through the darkness I drowned myself in.

The day I let go of control over my life was the day I was liberated. I was led the way by a friend attending the same Nutrition school at the time to take my Reiki Level 1 Certification. After that course, I swear to you everything changed. It's as if God, higher power, My soul, whatever is out there, said, 

"Hey, you are not done yet. We need you to get up, stop moping, heal your heart, become who you know you are, remember who you are supposed to be, and Remember who you are! " 

It wasn't long after that my light began to shine again. I went from graduating from Natural Nutrition school and believing in a cause more significant than myself to landing my first Tarot Cards and allowing them to take the lead of my inner demons and showing me what was happening inside. To understand why I was always such a fan of the stars and planets and how looking up in the night sky gave me hope, wishes and dreams as a kid for something more! Spirituality, all that is metaphysical, magic, gave me hope and began to heal me!

Though I know I still have a long way to go, and I do not deny that it will take a process of a lifetime, perhaps a lifetime, to heal and be completely whole. But I feel I am in a lighter place, filled with positivity, happiness, laughter and much hope that anything is possible. We, indeed, are the makers of our destinies. It is why I have devoted my life, in fact, my whole career, to helping those who come in touch with their spirituality and providing support for those who need healing, to find balance, and find Love within themselves and others again. 

Providing Tarot Readings and Astrology Reports are only a part of what I do, but it is a significant piece! 

Kasamba saved my life, and they are a big reason for my success. So join me on Kasamba and get a reading with me Today! 


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