Nurture and Nature: How our Nutritional and Psychological Consumption can alter our genetic makeup.

An individual's genetic Code is insufficient to determine how it behaves, thinks, and acts. A person's set environment can alter the Nature of their conditioning based on how they are nurtured. Sometimes, siblings born from the same parents sharing similar genomes or identical twins sharing the same genetics have entirely different bodies, minds, and spiritual health. At times, one person is born with a mental illness, and the other is not.

What if a child is exposed to abuse, neglect or sexual trauma at an early age or in the womb during the time of early development? There is no mental illness found in the genes of the family tree, and yet the child is born and grows up into an adult at high risk of developing depression, drug abuse, self-harm, schizophrenia and suicide!

Why is it so difficult to override the effects of early childhood exposure to neglect, abuse, beliefs, and habitual conditioning, usually before the age of Seven? Why does something that happened so early in childhood have such an effect on adults decades later? At times, the adult does not remember the abuse, trauma, or neglect and often stores it deep in the unconscious to protect itself from harm or exposure to the memory. The individual is unknowingly projecting their pain and trauma through destructive, unconscious patterns of behaviour, thoughts and beliefs until they are ready to allow it to surface and let it go.

AI Generated image by Holistic Nutritionist, Rozalia kieliszkiewicz.

The Three Root Causes:

  1. Nutrition is one of the main factors in early child development, especially for the unborn child in the womb.

  2. The Genetic differences in the family that arise in the individuals.

  3. Lost in the Unconscious: The trauma, pain, and abuse that happened in early childhood, creating long-term psychological damage.

According to Freudian psychology, the Unconscious is a "negative concept which can neither be described nor defined."

It is the place within our Soul and Mind where a person stores uncomfortable, disturbing emotional thoughts and experiences without an awareness of their existence. He is unaware of the rooted memories that have been energetically stored in his body and mind, creating havoc and disease symptoms in his human system. Not only this, but these individuals are at risk of passing it on to their offspring, seeing epigenetics take form and biological diversity engineered.

Negative to Positive, Shadow to Shine, Pain into Love.

However, let's say there is a change in environment that has a biological impact that lasts beyond the traumatic event itself after it has been transmitted into a distant past or memory; the individual is not only aware of their set conditioning and mental illness but able to consciously change their thought patterns to healthier ones, creating new neuropathways and ultimately changing their set directory. This positive psychological yet deeply enlightening awakening is the Epigenetics effect witnessed in action.

Epigenetics is when genetically identical things appear different from one another. Some physical changes or alterations of molecules that make up cells in a living organism experience a mismatch between the genetic script and gene outcome. This outcome can be seen in identical twins, where one is born with a mental illness and the other presumed healthy or when they are separated from birth, and other factors, such as Nutrition and environment, come into play.

We see Epigenetics in our family tree. We note every new generation and its ability to evolve, change, and transform away from old beliefs, patterns of behaviours, and thought processes, which, as a result, override unhealthy genes.

This understanding is that DNA is not a pure fixed molecule in our cells and can be altered and that our environment connects to us and can alter us sometimes forever.

So! What is the point of this notion statement? - Be mindful of what you consume inside and out. Eat plant-based whole foods that nurture and create a healthy internal environment. Surround yourself in a positive environment, and consume healthy music, movies, books, information, knowledge and teachings that influence your mind to think outside the box, clearing ignorance and opening up to new experiences. As a result, you have the potential to override your unhealthy genes and future generations to come.

Do you need an update on your Nutrition and Lifestyle Habits? Book a nutrition consultation with me today to discuss your health concerns, needs, and goals! 

Created on canva, the Root Chakra by Reiki Healer, Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz

What we Plant at the Root: Flowers.

The Foundation of where Life begins becomes the essence of what we become.

It is essential to recognize the soil in which you plant your seeds, as it determines the health of the flower you become.

We often do not consider how much our conditionings, health status, beliefs, and thought patterns stem from where we come from, whether that be our birth environment, blood line, or even past lives.

It all impacts how we view the world and how we move through it.

However, though the metaphor of the tree is stubborn, a tree is a tree, and we are humans. We have the power to evolve, change and transform how rooted conditionings are and have an open mind to multiple possibilities that can ultimately bring unity.


Women’s Health: Taking the Natural Route towards Hormonal Balance.