Karma By a Pulled Quad
+ 7 ways to improve on a muscle injury.
Originally.. I felt I should make this article about ways to improve on a muscle injury. Whether that be a teared muscle or pulled, bruised, banged up to the point that you cannot be 100% you.
But now I’m realizing what a deeper spiritual meaning this experience was for me, and how much I truly can at times, take the dream for granted.
I say "I", but I mean "WE", haha.. not wanting to choose to self identify solely, as I believe in Co Creation. Not to mention my inner child and I were having deep conversations through healing.
When you reach happiness, you feel this bliss and emotional contentment in your life, that you hope to never lose it.
You want to stay here at all times possible, and may even shave a little corners just so you can enjoy and saturate your self in the time of pure bliss.
Recognizing, "As this too Shall pass" - Buddha
Greediness stepped in.
Playing Soccer, living my best life, and I pulled my Left Quad. 12:11
In Layman’s terms, that’s Quadricep, and this time,.. I contained and held my self back to stop playing. Knowing that a minute longer and I might go from Pulled Quad to Second Degree Tear. My Inner Child screaming at me..
The temptation is that you don’t want to stop playing the game...Knowing you must if you want to see swift recovery.
Its like someone handing you a glass of water, your dehydrated, and they take that water right before your about to drink it.. haha
Stuck in the endless ability and opportunities to improve and completely evolutionize your skill and technique on the field.
You see the main mistake was not over playing ( even though it played some part ), but it was that I played in a little white lie to make sure I was playing 5 sometimes a few times per days a week and being fully invested in the game. *_*
I knew my Libra self left the plane of balance, as I was starting to become addicted to myself falling in love with a sport I always knew to love.
Chasing 10 year old me.
Universal Karma; naturally I feel it, got me.
My greediness and desire to live my best life came back to haunt me.
Realizing, is that life wants you to live your best life!
The universe does truly want you to be happy, in bliss and content, but Balance is definitely needed to maintain Humility.
Not just for others but for your self.
Show some compassion to your Body Mind and spirit, Don't destroy it for the High.
Falling in Love with that Masculine Energy....
Respect Given.
Now if you did make to the end,.... here is;
7 ways to improve on a muscle Injury.
(Ironically -: 7's in Numerology represent, Patience, Nurturing a Foundation, Choices, Fighting for what you want, Self Sabotage and Betrayal. )
Ice it or Roll it ? ! - "I chose wrong at first, and it actually made the injury worse -_-"
Roll It
At first, I made the mistake of rolling out the Quadricep muscle, thinking that it was just a sore tight muscle. I did not realize at the time that I was in fact creating a bigger problem. The muscle was already inflamed before I completely pulled it. I was rolling it all week before the final blow. Haha. Nonetheless, lesson learned. It is still important to roll out the muscles around the injury. The smaller muscles will be working twice as hard to keep up with the basic mechanics that would have been taken care of by the Quadricep. Thus, more often then not, it is normal to feel tightness and soreness around the injury in the other muscles.
Ice and Heat
I’ve already torn my left leg once. My Abductor (inner thigh), when I was in Track running 800 m, 10 years ago. It was a second degree tear, and I abused my body back then, not knowing when to stop training and take a break. Yes it is the same leg, so naturally we can assume that the weakness of these fibers were still present. A pulled muscle, tends to happen from overuse, or overstretched. In this case, I’m sure my Quadricep was contracted for a long period, being that I played a few soccer games per day, few times per week, no rest. The muscle is bruised and inflamed, and you need to Ice it, to bring the inflammation down. The best solution for this is typically an Ice bath. Where you submerge your lower half into a cold bath with ice cubes. Unfortunately, the water in my apartment was not very cold, so I chose to Ice my leg the old fashion way, with an ice cube.
When should you heat? Any type of ointments that provide heat in this case, wont do the trick. In fact could make the situation worse. The heat should be applied after you have iced it for a while and the inflammation has gone down. Thus, the heat will allow blood flow to quickly rush back into the muscle, shocking it, and increasing its capacity to heal. I applied heat through a warm shower.. simply because I did not want to inflame the quad more then necessary.
Elevate and Compress It
I admit I did not do much of this. I elevated my leg when I would ice it or I would be playing with the TENS Machine, as well as Certain stretches. I found it more beneficial for me to walk around in order to create blood flow to the area. I did as well wear tight spandex fitness shorts, in order to compress the injury. Elevation is important to bring blood flow to the area, so its level with the heart.
Stretches and Exercises
I ended up pulling my Quadricep, so naturally the muscles surrounding the muscle, such as the hamstring, glutes and other small tendons, needed to be stretched and strengthened. This is a slow process. As you don’t want to overstrain the muscle that is injured. You just want to strengthen and drive blood flow to the area to speed up the healing process. You see, depending on the level of injury or pull in this case, a part of the muscle is dead and no longer functioning. If its not completely dead like a third degree or even second degree tear, then its not working to its full capacity.
For example, explosive workouts are a definite no no. I focused on slow and steady leg workouts, such as one legged wall squats, Lunges, and Full squats. Going slow and making sure to not rush the contraction and extension of the muscle. After each set of exercises, I would focus on stretching both legs and body, thus never allowing the muscle fibers to intertwine and become entangled. The more stretched the muscle fibers, the easier it is to target the wound, and as well to bring blood flow to the area.
TENS Machine
Transcutaneious Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), is a machine that provides low frequency, pulsed electrical currents transmitted by electrodes through the skin surface. The Magic Machine. . haha. It has been shown that the TENs machine stimulates wound healing and Tendon repair. My wound was deep in the muscle tissue, thus this machine was perfect for reaching the deep tissue, and increasing blood flow into the area. I would apply this machine after icing, and doing my exercises and stretches, being at a rest state.
Essential Nutrients and Proteins
This is probably one of the most important factors. If you don’t feed your body with proper nutrients to thrive. The fuel then is weak, and then thus so is your body, Mind and spirit. This is no different with an injury. Our muscles need proper amino acids, as well as vitamins and minerals in order to perform biochemical mechanics in which help the muscle heal and regenerate. Yes our body regenerates daily, and the type of quality food in which we introduce it too is what defines our overall health composition.
The manifestation of my injury did make me question if I was in fact getting all the amino acids I need to properly speed up muscle recovery. I ended up fueling my self with Iron Vegan Protein power, that is high in Quercetin, Glutamine, and other nutrients. Glutamine is a brilliant amino acid. It helps drive water into the muscle tissue, hydrating the protein fibers, and speeding up muscle recovery, and reducing the risk of injuries. Not to mention, it has been shown as well to heal Leaky gut, and improve immunity. Quercetin is one of those miracle nutrients. It acts on the Mitochondria of the cell. Meaning it dives deep into our cell tissue, and balances out any abnormalities that may be caused by oxidative stress. Not only does it help repair muscle tissue, it has also been shown in some studies to destroy or deactivate the protein spikes that are present from the Covid 19 virus, otherwise known as SARS. Safe to say that Quercetin is a great nutrient for overall immune and body performance.
Keep in mind, amino acids need Vitamins, Phytonutrients and Minerals in order to perform their proper function in the body and undergo the mechanics needed. This is in other words called; Metabolism. No supplementation completely replaces Quality Natural Plant based Foods, that are high in Live Enzymes, filled with natures whole nutrients in which nature has designed to be perfect for human mechanics. It is important to keep your food clean, natural and live. Especially when healing an injury, and looking for any type of Stem Cell regeneration. Natural Food just does not compare to supplementation.
Rest, Sleep and Meditation
This was probably the hardest, easiest task for me to perform. I am a naturally active person, and to have to force my self to not workout, not play soccer and cancel all my tennis plans, took a toll on my mental. Fortunately, two weeks, and I feel that my Quadricep is stronger and healthier then ever.
I took time off for a good week, and I took a chance to play one soccer game a week post muscle pull. Needless to say, My leg was not yet ready to perform at 100 %, but I was able to function on it, with some pain. Following this, I took another couple of days off, resting, stretching, doing my rehabilitation steps as shown at top. I even went to the Gym and managed to do a light Leg workout. This, I believe actually helped strengthen my leg, and since then it feels better then ever.
Rest is essential for muscle growth and healing. During exercise, we create microscopic tears in the muscle tissue, but during rest, cells called fibroblasts repair it. Since a pull is just a deeper and larger tear, the concept is the same. My body also needed the rest. I found my self sleeping longer hours and being more tired. The body naturally knows when the need to slow down is necessary and when the time for sleep and rest is required for regeneration and restoration.
Meditation is one of those things that are underrated but affective when it comes to healing an injury, or healing any type of ailment in the body. I performed Reiki on my self ( which is a type of meditative energy healing), as well as visualization practices to heal the trauma that resurfaced in my body and caused the tear. I was healing my Inner Child, certain of this, and through Meditation I was able to focus on the outcome that I desired as oppose to what I did not want. Seeing my body, mind and spirit as already healed, and not broken, hurt or traumatized in order to activate the nerve endings on my cells to heal and restore themselves.
A thought during Meditation:
"Alright, lets just decide that I am going to push out really good content.
As soon as I wrote this I knew I was a step forward.
Driving on the gas before me.
So Real, I wish for some sort of peace and confirmation at the same time.
Gas on the pedal again . Please, have mercy. " - Haha
Wrapping it Up
The Law of Attraction is very real, and I believe that we can definitely attract whatever it is we desire. Although our mere light being is not by far more powerful then the laws of Karma. When manifesting, always focus on being honest, true, attracting with Integrity and faith. This way the Universal Laws can reward you, at times giving you more then you would have ever dreamt of. As oppose to trying to cut corners and slightly fibbing to reach your attraction. hahah Lesson Learned ;)
"I leave every thing in the past, cause I’m moving forward, where I’m headed. "