Tarot Magic - The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

Tarot Reader, Rozalia kieliszkiewicz holding the High Priestess Tarot Card with Online Tarot readings.

The High Priestess

As your guide, the High Priestess, she who whispers, knows how to keep a secret. She sits between two pillars of Light and darkness, holding all the lies and all the truths of the world deep beyond the veil. She is silent, always listening, ready to share her wisdom with those who seek it.

Unlike the Hierophant or High Priest, who gives rules and teachings, the High Priestess acts alone, wise in her own right. Her crown chakra is open and without disciples. Her laws remain un-displayed and unopened, as her knowing cannot be revealed through words, beliefs, or explanation or instantly tainted.

What the High Priestess feels is deep, beyond understanding, to speak, would make it meaningless.

The High Priestess represents the intuitive darkness we hold within, the feminine spiritual power balancing the dominance of male priesthood or referring to God as Man. She embodies mystics, sensing and connecting to sources and energy in perfect stillness and clarity. She knows that every situation contains an opposite. Darkness and Light do not exist without the other; she is the bridge that unites them.

When the High Priestess appears, it is a time for silence and stillness rather than activity. It is time to dive deep inside yourself and trust your intuition as you stand on the threshold of an initiation.

Your subconscious holds an unrevealed future. See beyond logic and reality and prepare to enter the realm of grey, where things are subtler and more complex. The High Priestess knows how to align with her values, taking the right action in the universe's flow, blending and turning into water.

What is Deep within you? 😏 An Online Tarot Reading can help you know and be true to it.


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