Tarot Magic - The Fool Tarot Card Meaning

Tarot Reader, Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz, holding the Fool Tarot card with a big smile, ready to embark on a new mission.

The Fool

She’s a risk-taker with nothing left to lose. Is it an awakening? Or is it the spirit of her youth desiring to be Free? She could not help but look down the cliff hesitantly, leaving all the attachments of her old life behind. There is no looking back right now.

Her loyal companion by her side, loving unconditionally, her protector sniffing the grounds as if waiting for the Fool to finally be ready to trust with faith, looking towards the rooted feather from the heavens. - She will have all that she needs, a testament to the unwavering support in her journey.

As the white rose symbolizes, this first step is inherently transformative. The Fool will thrive, compelled to bloom, as long as she allows the fervent freedom to seize her soul and take a leap of faith into the unknown.

It could be a time to let go of the past and start over, seek a new terrain with unattachment, the idea of nothing, to remind us that we are not all the labels and judgements other people put on us or the ones we place on ourselves.

Wild and free, we cannot be pinned down or limited by ideals and perceptions of old realities, as if we are only one identity in one lifetime. HAH - how absurd the idea, how lifeless and mundane, time to travel, take any situation that blocks you, become the Fool and ravish in the limitless, infinite possibilities.

Are you Feeling Risky? 😏 Decide if that Leap into the unknown is right for you with a Online Tarot Reading!


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