Astrology and Numerology

Astrology and Numerology

Capricorn Zodiac Traits and Personality

The Capricorn Zodiac Sign is practical and ambitious. Their determined nature and active minds grasp ideas efficiently, creating highly artistic careers. These Goats put Dreams into action; no matter how far they must climb or how slow they must go, they won't stop until they reach their goals. They often do not trust others handling the details, as they are sensitive and attached to their original vision.

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Gemini Zodiac Traits and Personality

Social Gemini loves to be expressive and share all their latest ideas and adventures. If you are lucky, they will take you along for the ride if you do not pressure them into a fixed situation. They enjoy being joyful and independent and free from constricting paradigms. These Gemini Zodiac Signs will enliven your spirits.

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Scorpio Zodiac Traits and Personality

These delicious scorpion creatures are delicate and sweet under their hard shell and will sting you where it hurts if they feel threatened. They are not afraid to act out their every thought and emotion; they will gladly tell you how they think if they suppress their depths for too long. The Scorpio Zodiac Sign is not one to mess with, but be sure to tell them you love them and that you should stay in the clear.

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Leo Zodiac Traits and Personality

High-self-esteemed Leos have a solid Solar Plexus chakra filled with Confident Willpower and the ability to act with their highest authentic Intellect. These Lions understand their Animal Instincts and do not shy away from those initial impulses, but they use them with exuberant power.

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Taurus Zodiac Traits and Personality

The Taurus Earth Sign is a dependable and loyal personality that carries traits of security and stability. These pleasure-seeking Bulls enjoy good tasting foods, smells and aromas, and welcome delicacies that invigorate all their heightened senses.

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