What are your dreams telling you?

Have you ever had a confusing dream about a long-lost love coming back into your life or a walking, talking, cherry-filled donut? You’re not alone. From the beginning of recorded history, humanity has sought to understand his dreams’ surreal, emotional, and confounding world. Ancient societies believed that dreams were a direct communication from the Divine that only priests or spiritual mystics could interpret.

What is Dream Analysis?

Today, intuitive dream analysis is one of the most popular and sought-after services for good reason: finding the symbolic meaning of dreams can unlock unconscious messages about the right course for success. Your dreams also telegraph essential information about upcoming events, romance, life passages, happiness, purpose, and true nature. Did you know that dreams led to the invention of the sewing machine, a Nobel Prize for chemical nerve transmission by Dr. Otto Loewi, Mary Shelley’s famous novel “Frankenstein” and the song “Yesterday” by the Beatles’ Paul McCartney? (To name just a few dream-inspired inventions.)

Universal Dream Symbols

Some dreams seem universal; a dream about being chased often represents insecurities and feeling out of control, while flying suggests being in control and liberating. However, individual dream interpretation with an expert analyst goes way beyond simply looking up those universal meanings in a dream dictionary because your language of symbols and metaphors is UNIQUE to you, like a fingerprint. Dream analysis and intuitive dream work can explain complex dreams with multiple meanings and help you with the following:

Recurring nightmares or dreams

Vivid, colourful dreams that “Seem so real!”

Dreams about a family member or romantic interest

Dreams about other times and past lives

Lucid (conscious)dreams

Fears and wounds to be healed in waking life

Common dreams include falling, losing teeth, the death of a loved one, cheating or returning to school.

Finding love, success and spiritual well-being

Keep a Dream Diary to Record Your Dreams

Some tips: keep a diary or tape recorder next to your bed to record your dreams as soon as possible (it’s easy to lose specific details the longer you’re awake). Meaning is in the details, so write everything down, even if it seems confusing or nonsensical. Have fun with dream interpretation — the more you practice and observe your dreams, the more information you will gather. You will be amazed at what you can learn!

Are you trying to uncover the meaning of your dream? Talk to me, and we will dive deep into your subconscious, unravelling the beauty of your dream world.


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