Overcome Telepathic Abuse: 10 Ways to Heal Your Mind

As I sit in thought — “The Mind is simply a tool to move through consciousness, making sense of symbols, ideas and experiences created by perception.”

Imagine transcending all limitations that separates society due to embedded perceptions of fear and bringing maculate healing, light and freedom to how we connect and perceive divinity. Imagine feeling safe to share your mind and soul’s rawness and complete truth with every living being, honest and authentic, without ever having to say a word.

A divine gift of innate power, coupled with Love and Good intention, Telepathy can make that possible.

What is Telepathy?

Telepathy is the ability to transmit, perceive and communicate information through higher consciousness, acute senses and honed instincts. An exchange of energy that moves as a vibrational force between cells, allowing a person to reach out and communicate with the very elements of the earth. In addition, it enables you to receive transmissions from the spirit world, edges of the universe and beyond time and space.

Since humans are made of active energy concise with nature, you can connect mind to mind through images, words, thoughts and telekinetic touch with humans, animals, insects and plants alike.

>> If you want to understand more about how Telepathy works, I recommend picking up a copy of Telepathy by Alice A. Bailey.

However, Telepathic communication requires human minds to lower energetic barriers and share intimacy and vulnerability to allow information to come through.

So what if you are unaware of the subliminal messages you receive and empathetically allow any outside idea to pierce your mental space? — You could be leaving yourself open to Telepathic abuse!

What is Telepathic Abuse?

Telepathic abuse is when a person’s mental boundaries are broken, receiving outside thoughts, images, perceptions, ideas and beliefs that harm their well-being. Intrusive thoughts enter the person’s mind that is not aligned with their true soul’s intent to be joyful in their being. Sometimes, it can feel like someone else has taken over their mind or “ability to think.”

Lisa McGarrity, a Psychic Medium specializing in curse removal, considers telepathic abuse a curse. Lisa mentions,

“We don’t realize how much human beings are exchanging thoughts, just beneath most people’s consciousness, and they don’t understand how we are impacting each other all the time.”

I spoke to Sherry, a Victim of Telepathic Abuse, and she discussed her experience with her telepathic partner and community. Sherry said that she has never been trained and that her family would rather medicate her than recognize it as a talent. As a result, she sometimes experiences Telepathy negatively, often having access to her partner’s mind, her community and vice versa. Sherry mentions that her partner has the best intentions. However, she experiences telepathic abuse from her community as she never provided them consent, pushing her mental boundaries.

As a Spiritual Psychic who experiences Telepathy with a collective, I have observed that I connect to another person’s mind, so I cannot always expect them to tell me the truth.

Sometimes, that person lies to themselves or you or hides their true nature without awareness. They may believe a certain mindset or belief and share it with you. However, when you put yourself in a higher vibration and let go and release a set idea, that bond, fear or attachment will dissolve. Focusing on joy is your power, allowing the telepathic messages to be observed rather than identified.

After speaking and gathering knowledge from Psychic Healers, Clients, and victims of telepathic abuse and referring to my own experiences, here are the Five signs you might be experiencing Telepathic Abuse:

1. Thoughts come from all Directions.

As a clairaudient Psychic, it is natural to receive messages from all directions from their client collective, spirit guides and lightworkers. However, the messages at a higher vibration are typically direct and promote a healing solution. Also, Author Mat Auryn offers foundational shielding and protection to keep the messages at bay when you invoke, ask, guard yourself and request them in his book, Psychic Witch.

When the thoughts and messages come from all directions with a lack of control and impact your daily work and routine harmfully, you could be experiencing telepathic abuse. Sherry, a victim of telepathic abuse, mentions that she is often bombarded at work, told by her telepathic abuser in scary situations that she would be fired and not amount to anything.

2. You Receive negative responses to your inner thoughts.

Whether meditating or falling asleep, your mind enters a theta state where your psyche becomes more sensitive to outside energies. Our thoughts are sacred and should be private. However, your powerful energy could attract external forces that are not always positive.

Suppose you have inner conversations while an outside force disrupts your dialogue while in theta state; you could be experiencing telepathic abuse. This psychic phenomenon becomes more evident when outside noises, like bangs, knocks, moving items and telekinetic touch, manifest in your exterior surroundings and become loud and disruptive, almost anachronistically to your thought dialogue.

>> Do you know the difference between Telepathy and Telekinesis? Read the 10 Fundamental Differences Here.

3. Your thoughts, ideas and images end up on your technology shortly after.

Psychic Medium Lisa McGarrity feels that the telepathy piece connected to technology is her biggest concern, such as advertising, propaganda, and marketing. Advertisers are coming for your dreams as you wake up thinking about a stylish skirt you wish to have or that picture you took with your friend last week and notice it on your tech devices shortly afterward, You could be experiencing telepathic abuse.

As technology evolves, people will have to figure out ways to keep their minds safe from Social dilemmas, especially children on their phones daily, losing their focus, attention and individuality to think. Scientists and Engineers are discovering and innovating technologies that will allow us to transmit mental information (thoughts and feelings) through devices to change how we communicate with each other forever.

4. Telepathic Messages feed your fears.

Telepathy is a conversation between your soul and another — this psychic conversation between multiple minds exchanges through words, thoughts, sensations, images and voices. However, you share the deepest parts of yourself through Telepathy, sometimes unconsciously.

Suppose the telepathic messages received begin to feed on your fears or seem like seeds of views are planted into your mind and emotions not aligning with your inner intuitive voice. In that case, you could be experiencing telepathic abuse. At any point where you feel you are being manipulated, gaslighted, or an outside force is distorting your reality, know that this is abuse. You must distance or sever the energetic ties for your well-being.

>> You can heal yourself from abusive relationships. Read Ten Steps to Healing from Emotionally Abusive Relationships here.

5. You feel Unsafe during Meditation, having difficulty breaking illusions.

Meditation is a healing guide to help you look deep inside yourself to confront misconceptions about your life. It is a spiritual practice designed to shatter any illusions of yourself and others and bring peace to the divine being you are and intend to be.

However, suppose you begin to feel unsafe as you enter Meditation and cannot break the illusions of negative beliefs actively placed in your consciousness through surrender. In that case, you may be experiencing telepathic abuse. Meditation is a spiritual path that helps us be vulnerable and intimate with the Divine and thought forms naturally dissipate. If negative thoughts pierce your sacred space and do not stem from a place within your subconscious, it may be wise to shield and cleanse your auric area ritually.

>> Master Meditation to receive these ten benefits Here.

Overcoming the Abuse

It can be daunting to experience and go through telepathic abuse as you may find it challenging to receive the help you need. Telepathic abuse occurs behind the walls of your psyche, impacting how you think and feel about yourself. However, you are not alone; several types of spiritual and psychic experts and communities can give you the support and help you need.

When speaking to Sherry, A victim of Telepathic Abuse, I shared my experience with her. I mentioned that, at first, it was very chaotic for me because, as a Psychic Medium, I was tuning into my clients and dimensional beings.

“I am actively overcoming those intrusive thoughts and recognize that the views come from an outside source, negative or positive entities or spirits.”

According to Psychic Experts, here are Ten Ways I have learned to Overcome Telepathic Abuse and Heal Your Mind.

1. Be Louder than the intrusive thoughts.

Psychic Medium Lisa McGarrity has had clients telepathically abused by their narcissistic family members and partners. They violate their mental space, project thoughts, and scramble the victim’s mind to believe false things. She believes people with this toxic personality tend to broadcast their thoughts very loudly, knowing what they are doing.

It can be challenging to maintain peace of mind while you have negative intrusive thoughts piercing your mental space. However, your intuitive mind manages the growth and nourishment of the body and mind, and by making the exchange between the conscious mind and intuitive mind solid and confident, you can overcome the telepathic abuse. Be louder than the intrusive thoughts, and claim your positive desires, wants and needs by consciously embodying joy, happiness and Love, manifesting the life of your dreams.

>> Do you need tips on Manifesting the Life of your Dreams? Read How to Manipulate and Control Energy

2. Cleanse yourself and the environment regularly.

Whether you actively work with energy and psychic impressions with intention or are a victim of psychic attacks or telepathic abuse, ritually cleansing yourself and the environment is essential to healing your mind. Just as important as cleaning your house and bathing yourself with soap and water, an energetic cleanse will purify your Aura and living space.

You can regularly cleanse yourself and the environment with incense, sage, crystals, spells and rituals, the power of language and affirmations, proper feng shui, and more.

>>Do you want to know more about Feng Shui? Manifest Wealth and Success with these Feng Shui Tips Here.

3. Protect your Aura with a Magic Shield.

Once you have cleansed your Aura and environment of potential invading energies, practicing foundational shielding and protection is vital to overcoming telepathic abuse. Author Mat Auryn of Book Psychic Witch mentions that you can shield and ultimately stop the flow of any energy coming in and out and mute psychic perceptions. However, you can filter out either aggressive or negative energy to connect to positive psychic beings while still being connected to outside psychic impressions such as Telepathy.

As a Reiki Healer, I have learned to cover myself in a filter shield, where I imagine the positive healing white light of Love around me and envision blue and violet light forming outside of my Aura, filtering the negative energies and transcending them into Love and light. However, when dealing with Telepathic Abuse or excess psychic impressions that overcome my energetic boundaries, I use the Elemental Fortress technique by Mat Auryn, where I envision the five elements (fire, water, earth, air and spirit) to shield in their natural form.

>> Learn the best tips to cleanse your Aura here

4. Ask your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Divine to help you.

“Ask, and you shall receive” could not be more true when asking for Divine help. If you are telepathically abused and affecting your daily life, do not hesitate to ask your spirit guides, angels, and the divine to help you. Divine is always present, always with you, always now; you can go nowhere to escape Source. However, you are a human gifted with free will, and it is on you to ask for what you need to take steps to overcome the abuse and heal your mind.

Suppose you are aware of the telepathic abuse. In that case, chances are you can also connect to other light beings who will raise your vibration beyond the psychic aggressors who can only thrive in fear-magnified conditions. Meaning they can only plant the seed; it is your fear that keeps it alive. If you can raise your vibration by asking for help, you will notice the noise quieter, and your mind will begin healing.

5. Align your Chakras

Your chakras are the centers in your astral body that keep the energy flow moving like a river stream. This continuous flow of energy defines a person’s vitality and well-being. Your energy can stop or get stuck at any point, becoming destructive; however, you can jump, cross and keep your power going by transcending that course from lower to higher consciousness.

Thus, if your chakras are misaligned, you are more likely to attract toxic and environmentally abusive psychic impressions into your energic field. Telepathic abuse is an act of planting seeds filled with fear into your mind. As you balance your chakras, choose what you will let go of and strive to improve your actions beyond the attacks, healing your mind.

>> Struggling to Align your Chakras? Read Here ten tips for beginners.

6. Focus on your inner knowing.

Shamanic Healer Lisa McGarrity talked to me about personal sovereignty. She mentioned that to overcome telepathic abuse, you must take control of your life;

“Figure out who you truly are and live by who you truly are.”

She discussed that this can be difficult when you live in a toxic environment most of your life. It requires separation to figure out what feels proper to you.

However, she believes that the clients who want to do the work can create who they are, though it requires a lifelong commitment. With self-awareness, being present at the moment, you must routinely recite with yourself,

“Is this my thought, is this my desire, is this how I want to spend my day to day?”

, and edit that to meet your desired self-creation.

7. Face and Heal Inner Fears, Traumas and Beliefs.

Telepathic abuse is like a parasite that grabs onto a live host to thrive and wreak havoc on the organism. Your inner fears, traumas and beliefs stored in your unconscious and subconscious due to past lives, survival eras, bloodline and ancestry or community upbringing are psychic impressions that have telepathically impacted your pure energy flow. These seeds are opportunities for the fears to magnify when the abuser desires to project their toxic thoughts on their victim.

However, you can heal telepathically by releasing your thoughts from the subconscious to the conscious. As well as from one conscious mind to another, impacting the nerve cells given that the transmitter or recipient is on the same movement level vibration, says Dr. Sheldon Leavitt from the Book Psychic Healing. Your physical force creates movement of the ethers, which means you can heal from your fears, traumas and beliefs by actively changing your thought process to recognize the supremacy of your mind manifested by the person.

8. Connect to your soul and follow its flow through movement.

When you release all thought forms and connect to your body, you will notice that your soul already knows how to place you in a flow most authentic to your nature’s being. Instinctively, your body is always guided towards movement, as this daily necessary practice moves the energy around in your Body, Mind and Astral surroundings.

When affected by Telepathic Abuse, understand that this is a low vibration that keeps the energy stuck in your being. However, you can overcome it and heal your mind by dancing, walking, yoga, strength training, running, swimming or any movement therapy that naturally falls into your intuitive body’s rhythm and raises your vibration.

9. Detox and Feed your Body, Mind and Spirit with high vibrational fuel.

Your Body, Mind and Soul are like a storage house for all the ideas, attachments and attributes you have accumulated throughout your lifetimes. Detoxing and releasing all the dead debris that no longer serves you and the person you are becoming is essential to overcoming telepathic abuse. Once your system has space and is purified, you must feed your Body, Mind and Spirit with High vibrational fuel.

High-vibration fuel can consist of plant-based foods that are alive and whole and match your cells’ energetic frequency of healing and regeneration. As well as soulful music with highly relaxing tones and spiritual practices, such as Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi and Reiki Healing, are beneficial to healing the mind. Lastly, surround yourself with positive entities and communities that encourage growth, speak positive affirmations and embody a healthy lifestyle.

>> Everything in Nature is connected to fuel us synergistically. Read the Seven Elements for Optimal Body, Mind and Spiritual Health.

10. Step into your heart and release judgment.

Love is the highest vibration that provides you with bliss, peace, abundant healing, grace, and compassion to know the Divine. Negative thoughts attract low vibrational energies and make you more susceptible to telepathic abuse. However, if you are not feeding the ideas that attach to your fears and release judgment by stepping into your heart, you can allow Love to flow through you and heal your mind.

This Love for yourself, connecting to the Divine within and outside of you, creates freedom in your heart and soul that dissolves the power of these outside hostile forces. Grace and bestowment to know the Divine humbles you, but not in the sense that something is lost, but a blessing on your spirit when you feel God’s Love and no punishment; fear is gone.

Listening for the Truth

The truth is speaking to us, but only sometimes through words. It communicates through our intuitive senses and brings an inexplicable feeling of peace.

Telepathy is simply words sent through psychic impressions; however, if you listen for the truths beneath the terms rather than the superficial messages of the thoughts and words themselves, you will begin to hear something that is not being said, a knowing of what is hidden behind the surface.

If you are struggling with Telepathic Abuse and need guidance to free yourself from such toxicity, book a spiritual healing session with me today!


Ten steps to healing from Emotionally Abusive Relationships — Advice from a Psychic Reiki Healer


Meditation/ Mindfulness