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7 Spiritual Gains when staying True to Yourself

Gather around and allow the breakthrough to unchain you. Watch as heaven’s doors open for you and your mind abides by your spiritual discipline. Are you ready to finally take the reins of your own life and maintain and develop your unique spiritual Truth?

It is a double-edged sword as you recognize you cannot take your old self with you: a bitter taste as you leave the painful hell, but sweet stepping in through the gates of blissful heaven.

As you step into your state of spiritual truth, you open yourself to new hopes and possibilities for receiving the blessings sent to you by the universe and embracing success. Your light shines brightly, vulnerable yet strong; you know who you are, a beacon for health, love and light.

A guiding inspiration, a walking flame of hope, you have walked through your shadows and still found the light.

Congratulations, because you have discovered the importance of staying true to yourself. You got through to the other side, listening to that inner voice, following the signs, and stumbling, falling, yet rising every time.

The illusions can no longer confuse you; you know what devils lie at every corner. These timely pleasures that make you feel powerless and lost, designed to entrap you, can no longer touch you as you release yourself, overcoming dependency and finding freedom.

You have become a catalyst for change and spiritually gained several factors that have made you realize your worth and strive to change the course of destiny.

Here are Seven Spiritual gains when staying true to yourself.

1. Your Authentic Nature shines Bright.

Confidence in yourself becomes known to you and those around you. Your strengths, gifts and talents that make up your individuality and give you that sense of excitement and passion, knowing that you are living your purpose, come to the forefront. Every action, thought, move, and emotion becomes your authentic expression. There is no one like you, and you shine that light brightly for the whole world to see.

When you stay true to yourself, you express your soul and shine your authentic nature brightly. This spiritual gain is a sense of empowerment and awareness of yourself. Nobody can tell you who you are; your independence and genuine individuality show in every move you make.

2. Cocreation becomes your power.

As you connect to the Divine nature within yourself, you understand that spirit lives in every aspect of your life. As a result, your crown chakra opens, and harmony and universal alignment occur. Your ability to follow your intuition and allow the Divine to work through you makes you an actual creator of your world. By staying true to yourself, you spiritually gain inspiration that floods through your energetic body, and suddenly you know what actions to take to fulfill your divine mission. Opportunities manifest and show as complete missing puzzles to your growth and connection with self. They align with your soul mission and take you higher in the process.

A spiritual gain that becomes a blessing as you understand at that moment that you are part of something greater than yourself and you are never alone.

3. The Values of Respect surround you.

Your values and moral beliefs become reassessed as you stay true to yourself. You consider who you are, what is good for you, and what is not. Your boundaries become firm, and you make clear decisions about where you place your time. Self-respect grows as you become honest with yourself and firm and direct in your choices. As a result, you respect others the same, knowing that you are no better than anyone and that we are all the same, deserving of the same respect you give to yourself.

This strong sense of value and respect is a spiritual gain that helps you accomplish success, expertise and mastery in your true divinity. As a result, others also respect you because your dedication to yourself reflects your ability to commit and collaborate with others. A certainty and trust in your abilities also attract trust and commitment from those around you.

4. An Unseen Force protects you.

As you stay true to yourself, you spiritually gain inner stability. A certainty in your ability to be self-reliant, independent and protect yourself attracts unseen forces that fulfill your needs for protection, security and stability. Call it a law of attraction as your inner strength becomes a habit, a form of maturity and clarity that follows afterwards, attracting all you need to feel and be safe. You automatically know what choices and actions align with your path and what will bring you that sense of security.

As a result, you naturally become a leader who can show their talents to the world without fear, knowing that you are safe to do so, protected by unseen forces that acknowledge your strong sense of will to know yourself.

5. You have Unlimited Abundance in your chosen path.

As you stay true to yourself, you learn to accept and embrace your emotions that can limit your potential when wild and untamed. The ability to discipline your mind and face your path only brings success. As you continue on your intuitive path, momentum comes, and you learn to ride its wave of abundance trusting you have chosen the best path toward your future.

As you stay on your chosen path, competition no longer exists, and you see only your lane, growth, and evolution. You control your destiny and steer the way toward your goals. Unlimited abundance is a spiritual gain that washes through you as you stay true to yourself, always being given what you need to thrive, grow and participate in the infinite wisdom that there is “always enough.”

6. You are actively Healing and finding Peace.

Actively undoing ideals and beliefs and facing trauma, pain, and the broken pieces of your soul leads you toward liberation and stages of light-hearted Peace.

It’s not easy to walk through the underworlds of hell and face the void in which darkness can wrap you. However, if you face your fears and dive deep into the subconscious realm, you’ll be amazed at what you find.

When you stay true to yourself, you spiritually gain the ability to heal and find your inner sanctioned Peace actively reaching heaven. You understand your triggers, and you know how to take a step back and look at that attachment, assess it, and let it go, filling it with love and light.

Healing is an active process in which we all should participate for the rest of our lives. It is not an overnight cure, nor is there a secret pill that takes all the pain away. However, the freedom, faith, and love that come with actively choosing to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday are spiritual sources of bliss that no one can give you but yourself.

7. You align with the Love of the Divine.

The unconditional love that comes with being true to yourself is a spiritual gain that will fulfill you for lifetimes. To love all you are and what you are not is to know the Divine. The grace of kissing your wounds allows you to love deeper and fuller with a purity that goes beyond what meets the eye. Imagine being taken care of most delicately and sweetly, to be loved for all your insecurities, mistakes, and what you believe are flaws. Yet never victimizing you but raising you to be strong, resilient and confidently capable of manifesting all your dreams, wishes and most profound desires at will. – That’s God. Unconditionally Loving you while being present, energetically with you, holding your hand and yet letting it go for eternity, never leaving you.

You align with the Love of the Divine as you become firm in who you are. You learn that you have everything you need to give yourself all you aspire to—knowing that loving all parts of you opens you up to true love that surrounds you beyond any circumstances, conditionings or false egotistical beliefs.

Receiving Justice

Finding balance and manifesting the good karma in your life for all the trials and tribulations you endured to find yourself happened because you stayed true to yourself. Taking responsibility for your actions and decisions created a positive karmic justice that took care of itself and blessed you with several spiritual gains that will follow you for the rest of your life.