Cancer Zodiac: Nurturing the Body and Mind
7 Animal Flow Moves and Drills to Master a Full Flow.
Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is associated with traits like nurturing, sensitivity, and emotional depth. Those born under this sign are often drawn to activities that provide comfort and security, making them excellent candidates for fitness regimes that prioritize holistic well-being. Nurturing the body and mind is essential for Cancers, and activities like yoga, tai chi, animal flow or gentle strength training can provide a sense of emotional grounding while promoting physical health.
Mindfulness practices and meditation can also benefit Cancers, as they seek emotional balance and inner peace. Incorporating activities that foster self-care and relaxation into their fitness routine can help Cancers maintain a healthy mind-body connection, allowing them to thrive both physically and emotionally. Understanding and embracing their nurturing nature can empower Cancers to prioritize self-care and create a fitness regime that supports their overall well-being.
I often associate animal flow with fluid, nurturing cancer zodiac signs, as it quickly becomes my mobility regime and encourages my joints, tendons, and skeletal muscles to be in active recovery after brutal strength training weeks.
It stretches out and elongates tight muscles while providing the artistic dance and emotional depth my soul needs.
Therapeutic and free-flowing Animal Flow is the perfect workout when entering Cancer Season in July or when we welcome Planet Mars (active, action, passion, power) into nurturing, emotional, and intuitive Cancer this season.
Below I created an Animal Flow Sequence that you can learn and enjoy on both sides.
First follow the step by step active drills to have you aquainted with the Animal Flow moves to make you stronger.
After wards, put it all together and improve flexibility and mobility, and tap into your Inner Cancer Zodiac!
Here are 7 Animal Flow Moves and Drills to Master a Full Flow.
1. Traveling Beast (Reverse and Forward)
Start first by warming up your Wrists with mobility circles on both sides.
Lower down into the Beast position. Your hands should be below your shoulders, and your fingers should be facing away from you. Your feet should be on the balls of your feet, and you should stretch your toes.
When ready, lift your knees off the ground about 1 inch, keeping them aligned with your belly button.
Begin to Travel forward with the opposite leg-to-arm steps! Once you reach the desired distance, travel reverse!
Try eight steps forward and backward for three sets!
2. Scorpion Reach
One of my favourite Animal Flow moves is warming up before a strength workout and cooling down to stretch the hips, outer thigh, and chest.
Master this, and your Hips will thank you.
Start in the Loaded Beast position, with your knees outwardly 1 inch off the ground and your arms in front of you.
Bring your Knee of choice to the opposite wrist, and in a circular motion, rotate your hip up and around, bringing your leg behind with your toes pointing.
(You will notice that the first few reps my leg goes straight up due to tight hips, and then after a few reps the hips open, and circular motion begins to show.)
Practice 10 alternating sides for 3 sets.
3. Full Scorpion into Crocodile Roll
This sequence is the most fun, as it allows you to stay balanced, working both sides while creating a seamless transition.
Start in Beast to place more weight on the hands so when you rise into scorpion reach, you are closer to a Standing Split (in yoga). Bring your knee to your wrist, then your leg to Scorpion reach.
Proceed with a full scorpion, allowing the leg to continue its motion and fall behind you. Land lightly, with your opposite hand by your chest, in the guard position.
Bring the leg across the floor by sliding it out in a split to the center to meet your bent leg.
Rotate into a side plank and front plank, and then the original landed in the full scorpion position again. Continue by bringing the long leg under the bent one into a full Scorpion again.
Enjoy this one; as seen in the video, you will find yourself moving backwards.
Definitely helpful to have lots of space 💚😁
Practice 10 reps for 3 sets.
4. Ape Reach
Powerful Animal Flow move that opens up your Sacral and Heart Chakra!
I find this move incredibly empowering. It reminds me of a Rosebud that needs proper love, care, and nourishment before it opens up into a Lotus Flower. Does that sound familiar 🤭?
Start in the ape position, closed in a Rozzebud, with your feet flat on the ground and your arms extended in front of you, head down.
Rise slowly by balancing on the balls of your feet, bringing your hips outwards, and rising tall, chest up and arms extended beside you.
Do your best to keep your Arms up to 90 degree level.
Enjoy this move, 10 reps for 3 sets.
5. Crab Reach
I love this Animal Flow Move for stretching my back and taking me deeper into a back bend.
Start in the Crab position by lifting your but off the ground 1 inch. Bring the arm of your choice into a guarded position in the centre of your chess, and lift your hips.
Once your hips are straight up, twist, bringing the arm over the head.
You should feel a nice stretch alongside your body.
Practice 10 Reps for three sets on alternating sides.
6. Front Kick through
My favourite move is to enhance my mobility, improve my agility, and get my heart pumping and legs burning.
Start in the Loaded Beast position with your knees 1 inch off the floor, and arms extended in front of you.
Take a leap forward with one leg while bringing the other leg under your arm planted on the ground, though the leg extended.
Keep the other arm guarded.
Jump back into Loaded Beast and repeat the sequence on the other side.
Try 10 reps Alternating for 3 sets.
7. Side Kick through
Another hip opener is a fantastic way to strengthen your back and hip flexor muscles!
I am doing a Jumping Side Kickthrough in this video, but it is hard to tell. I hop in the beast position from one leg to the other before switching sides.
Start in the Beast position, bringing your knees 1 inch off the ground. Lift the opposite leg to the arm and bring the leg under the arm flat on the ground, twisting to the side and raising the opposite arm in a high guarded position, protecting the face.
Try 10 reps alternating for 3 sets.
Now that you have practiced all Seven Animal Flow Moves, you are ready to combine them and try the full Animal Flow Sequence I created using these Seven Moves.
The Following Flow Sequence goes as Followed:
Set Beast
Left Leg underswitch into Side kickthrough
Left Leg underswitch into Scorpion reach
Left Leg underswitch into Crab Reach
Left leg underswitch into Traveling Beast three strides
Right Leg Underswitch into Crab left leg underswitch into Full Scorpion
Right Side Croccodile Roll into Right leg underswitch into Scorpion Reach
Complete the reach and
set loaded beast
Jump Right Leg Front Kick through
Jump back to Loaded beast then jump into Left Leg front Kick through.
Jump back into Loaded beast and set Ape Reach
Back to Ape, and set Loaded beast
Wave Unload
Now switch Sides.
If you are lost and do not know where to start.
Purchase my Full Body Balance Program, where you can access five quick workouts at home or the gym.
You can find this Program on my App!
If you need more one-on-one guidance, Book our First Online Personal Training Session with me Below!