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The Sun: 5 Tarot Card Character Traits Embodied by Energy.

"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows fall behind you" (Maori Proverb)

So, how do we know if we embody the Sun Tarot Card?

As a professional Tarot reader, I have compiled 5 Tarot card Character traits embodied by Sun Energy.

1. We are Free to Run Wild.

Wild, Untamed and Mysterious, the story behind a person who Embodies the Sun energy is someone who has learned to balance their dualities. 

We have knowledge and experience walking the terrain of darkness, seeking to find the light guided by a source. We were once chained to a so-called unbreakable bond, belief, or tie that made us feel helpless, misunderstood, and powerless. At some point, we had to look at our inner child in the eyes and ask where we tainted our innocence. How did we give away our power? And how do we stand up?

Shining our light means expressing our faith and inner strength and making happiness, joy, and love a choice. 

A person who embodies the Sun Energy is free to run wild. There are no fears of oppression or dreadful authorities telling us what to do! We are fed with energy by being our best authentic selves and by listening to the needs of our bodies, hearts, minds and spirits. We fly with the Wind, Float with the Water, are supported by the earth and gain our fuel in the Sunlight.

2. We are creative

When embodying Sun Energy, there is a perfect marriage between self and God/Creator. Connected directly to the source, we can allow this powerful energy to work through us to manifest what is pure and raw at its truest artistic expression. 

The Sun gives life to our instant manifestation. As long as we shine our brightest light and embody our inner child's fun and innocent expression, our soul shines outwardly, and our environment responds. 

We are creative just by being, and as a result, there is no hesitancy. We listen to the source and allow the energy to move through us to create whatever our soul and heart desire at the moment. There are no restrictions, rules, or guidelines; solely paint on a canvas filled with openness and vitality.

3. We are confident and wise.

Though the Sun card in the original Ryder Wade represents a wild-naked child riding a unicorn, he does not represent naivety. It is the opposite, as it takes Wisdom and experience to undo limitations placed upon our beliefs during our upbringing and allow our Inner Child to heal and be free of such restrictions.

Sun energy is the truest expression of our soul before ideas and labels of our environment taint it. It takes a complete understanding of self and knowing who you truly are to see what works and integrates within your life.

We are confident and wise when we allow ourselves to shine our brightest sun and not let outside energies to influence our way of being. We express our highest intellect and energetic action with enthusiasm and complete radiance.

4. We are healthy and filled with Vitality.

The Sun gives life to all creation. Without it we would cease to exist. Therefore, without the warmth of the Radiant Sun, we could not thrive or attain daily success. 

It renews our cells, helps us grow, gives us energy, and helps bring harmony and healing to our Body, Mind and Soul. As we Embody the Sun Card, we can feel the energy of the source revitalize and transform our healing and bring us our original healthy blueprints before fears and embedded seeds of our illusions taint them. 

When we integrate the opposite poles of light and dark, blend the conscious and the subconscious, and remember exactly who we are, we are healthy and filled with vitality.

5. We Have faith and are at peace.

To Embody the Sun Energy, we must be present now. There is complete awareness and acceptance of where we are, who we are, and who we are constantly becoming. 

Abundance is our birthright when embodying the Sun Tarot, as it flows freely into our lives with enrichment. We are entirely receptive to the treasures present as we listen to our divine inner child and thrive.

Rather than just surviving, the Sun Brings enlightenment, which is an experience that shows our eyes the world as spiritual and eternal. We have faith and are at peace when embodied by the Sun's energy. We trust our Yin/ Yan and masculine/ feminine energies to stop all restlessness and questioning and to experience joy, fulfillment, and happiness.

How do you Shine your Light?

A Tarot reading can help you discover how you are meant to shine your light in this world and attract success due to its bright radiance. 

Book a Tarot Reading with me today by heading to the Purple button at the bottom right corner of the page and discover your truest, authentic, and highest expression.